Example sentences of "to switch [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I go to work early , ’ he replied , getting irritated as he tried to figure out how to switch on a standard lamp .
2 ‘ Do you think it 's safe to switch on a light ? ’
3 Perry 's manager Sally Dickinson said at one point Mr Glenn had tried to switch on a light to raise the alarm but had been threatened with violence .
4 Television was so quick to join the Yuppie Backlash that there is now a real danger of a Yuppie Backlash Drama Backlash , in which the viewer starts muttering about not being able to switch on the bloody set without seeing a broker being broken .
5 Unfortunately , this is not to be , since it transpires that the gentleman from British Rail was nothing short of a duplicitous cad ; there are no small compartments , just open-plan carriages too large to be defended by even the most outrageous behaviour , so I slump sullenly into a corner , wallowing in layers of dust and grime that would easily qualify for a Quentin Crisp kitemark , waiting for the guard to switch on the heat and the lights , preparatory to the departure of the Sir John .
6 For example , substance P can be used to control not its own synthesis but some other pathway , just as a thermostat could be used to switch on the television instead of the boiler .
7 if it requires a recall of emotion , it is often sufficient merely to switch on the emotion rather than elicit it ( as when you trip over the cat ! ) .
8 ‘ You do n't have to switch on the computer , load the program and recall a file from disc — you just switch on and it 's there , ’ Lyndon-James says .
9 She rose to draw the curtains and to switch on the lamp .
10 Each year a celebrity is chosen to switch on the Illuminations in Talbot Square , followed for many years by a tour of the Lights by tram .
11 It took her a minute to unlock the car and then she sat shaking behind the wheel , waiting until her hands were steady enough to switch on the ignition .
12 But you chose to switch on the news that day , or to hear it from a friend ; and you chose to have certain thoughts in response to that news .
13 While waiting for her passengers as they inspected isolated gun-sites on windswept clifftops and rocky promontories , Liza was urged by her passengers to switch on the car engine to keep herself warm , however much she knew this procedure to be frowned upon by her direct superiors at Command Headquarters .
14 The Olympic 100 metres champion has signed a new six-figure deal to head Lucozade 's TV campaigns and has been asked to do everything from race a greyhound to switch on the Oxford Street Christmas lights .
15 He dropped the padlock on to the floor then pushed the heavy door open and reached inside to switch on the light .
16 When she accepted her first solo public duty , to switch on the Christmas lights at Regent Street in London 's West End , she was paralyzed with nerves .
17 The subject known , broadly , as Science , was at first her favourite , because she liked playing with Bunsen burners : at home she was not allowed even to switch on the gas fire .
18 Alison found the key and opened the door , reaching inside to switch on the hall light .
19 It was easy enough to get the front door open one-handed , not so easy to switch on the hall light with no hands at all .
20 If new proteins are to be made , the DNA must be activated in some way , so as to switch on the relevant genes .
21 He reached to switch on the soft bedside light .
22 She reached out to switch on the bedhead light and realised that the blackness of night had been replaced by grey gloom .
23 I only have to switch on the news to hear things a whole lot crazier than that . ’
24 Frances moved over positively to switch on the radio .
25 ‘ Clinger told me before he left that his lordship had had him in the second Sunday he was there and told him he expected him to switch on the electric fire in the private chapel ten minutes before matins .
26 The quicker heat escapes from your hot water tank , the more often you will need to switch on the water heating to warm it up .
27 Just in time , she remembered to switch on the radio for the eight-thirty news on LBC .
28 Adults learning to use computers are frequently taught very basic principles ( like how to switch on the machine and " boot " a disc ) and then encouraged to simply play with it for a while .
29 The moon peering in helped her to see and there was no need to switch on the light .
30 He closed the door and reached out to switch on the light , making her blink in the sudden flood of brilliant light .
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