Example sentences of "account for the " in BNC.

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1 Although Lord Rees-Mogg 's confession that he is not a modernist can just about explain his neglect of artists such as Schoenberg , Proust , Kafka , Beckett and Auden , sheer ignorance is the only way in which one can account for the omission of Charles Sherrington , Alan Hodgkin , Lord Adrian and David Hubel , to name but four in neurophysiology ; Rutherford , Bohr , Planck , Heisenberg , Dirac and Gell-Man in physics .
2 This may account for the relatively high level of interest being expressed in the issue .
3 A technical explanation of this kind however does not account for the continuing one-man-band nature of many such businesses , which prevents growth for organizational as well as market reasons .
4 This meant that Marx had to develop a theory which recognized the intellectual nature of man , but which — and in this he was different from Hegel and Kant , who did not believe that there could ultimately be a material origin to ideas — could account for the peculiar history of mankind and for the growth of ideas and their power in natural terms .
5 Marx , however , realized that the need to make a living could never directly explain what human beings do , nor could it account for the complexity of human history itself .
6 And the figures do not account for the numbers of unreported cases .
7 Others are tested when an industrial accident occurs , on the theory that it creates a ‘ reasonable suspicion ’ of drug impairment , even though faulty equipment or poor weather conditions may more plausibly account for the mishap .
8 When in 1859 Charles Darwin published The Origins of Species , he had no intention of implying that random mutation of genes and natural selection could account for the emergence of life on earth ; but it was inevitable that some of his followers would try to project his hypothesis backwards , and speculate that life might somehow have been generated spontaneously in gaseous , primeval slime .
9 There must have been a veritable orchard flourishing in her wake , which could account for the sudden urge to build an orangery among the nobbery .
10 If he had been in some sort of trance , ( lasting who knew how long ? ) that might account for the sudden appearance of Jos .
11 This may partly account for the secrecy and guilt that surrounds the family if their relative is understood to have taken his own life .
12 That would account for the eight per cent swing from Labour to the Conservatives , which boosted Alan Stewart 's majority in Eastwood to over 11,000 .
13 It might account for the recapture of Aberdeen South and Kincardine and Deeside , for Michael Forsyth 's survival in Stirling , and for the remarkable defence by Phil Gallie , a new candidate , of George Younger 's 182 majority in Ayr .
14 This takes us back to explanations similar to those suggested for the variation in group size early in these studies ( Crook and Gartlan 1966 ) but these do not account for the massive gregariousness of the species under optimum conditions when a more even dispersion of the population would reduce the costs of foraging .
15 Although Doody 's notion of incarnation in poetry really does not account for the hundreds of poems written by women to the standard abstractions such as sleep , pity , and wisdom , yet there is certainly a strain in the poetry of eighteenth century women which might take as its best emblem Esther Lewis perched on her stilts .
16 By extension , for many 19th-century commentators , there was an urgent need for a science of woman that would account for the nature of femininity .
17 The mechanisms that might be responsible for these effects are in need of fuller specification but the effort would perhaps not be worthwhile since in fact they do not account for the results to be explained .
18 If your actual intake is in excess of your estimate , that would account for the plateau effect that you are experiencing .
19 If the molecules were some part of the chromosomes , this might account for the many nuclear changes which had been observed .
20 Since the scale was twenty-three miles to an inch , it was possible that a deviation of two or three miles would not be marked , but that could not account for the tarmac .
21 In a recent letter to Nature ( 1991 , 354 , 114 ) three Italian scientists claimed that thixotropy , a property of certain gels to become liquid on the application of some external force , could account for the ‘ congealed blood ’ becoming liquid as the Archbishop agitates the phial .
22 If , as seems likely , this line swings southwestwards at its western end towards the Farmborough Compression Zone , it may account for the otherwise puzzling discrepancy between the E.N.E.-W.S.W. strike of the basement thrust as seen on seismic ( Chadwick et a/. 1983 ) and the E.-W. trend of the Vale of Pewsey .
23 A phase of late Hercynian oxidation of Carboniferous humic material may account for the lack of gas prospectiveness in these areas .
24 These factors may account for the fact that the blackboard metaphor has not usually been used for anaphor resolvers , whose control structures are very often relatively simple , with different knowledge sources brought to bear in something like a predetermined order .
25 It lies in sops or bellies , surrounded by hard rocks , which will readily account for its being suddenly lost ; and these sops or bellies , being generally at considerable distances , will equally well account for the difficulty with which it is commonly regained … ’
26 Since the virus can spread through blood , transfusions could account for the 25 per cent of AIDS victims who are not gay .
27 The researchers suggest that game theory , rather than kin selection , can account for the general absence of fighting over females within a coalition .
28 With Drummond Matthews , his supervisor , he showed that sea-floor spreading combined with periodic reversals in the direction of the Earth 's magnetic field could neatly account for the striking pattern of magnetism on the flanks of mid-ocean ridges .
29 He concluded that his theory could account for the hallucinations .
30 A feature on the noises made by muscles in action had several member of staff listening to their own thunder by covering their ears with their thumbs and tightening their hand into fists The magazine also revived all the explanation that could account for the Loch Ness monster , an overture to the silly season , though there was little evidence that there would be one this year .
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