Example sentences of "sorting out the " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , sorting out the courses which are on offer can best be done by writing for the prospectus but with any application the question that will be of overriding importance is how you are going to finance your training .
2 Although often not practical , try to get dual experience at sorting out the landing after low final turns or upset approaches .
3 Sorting out the boundary dispute between Russia and the United States . ’
4 The problem with industry-funded research has always been sorting out the intellectual property rights .
5 Sorting out the biggies
6 Now comes the business of sorting out the returned forms .
7 THE severity of the recession in construction is sorting out the men from the boys in the industry .
8 Accompanying the arrival of peace were the problems of reorganising the economies , and the gigantic task of sorting out the millions of refugees and displaced persons scattered throughout Europe .
9 In 1986 , one scientific reviewer noted : ‘ Sorting out the causal agents is among the most challenging scientific detective tasks of the century .
10 On Monday , Marilyn ( ELT Design ) who is sorting out the stock stills Rob has asked for , would like some clarification .
11 One of Stirling 's problems was that he was not content to let others do the raiding from time to time , though he had proved his own courage and nobody would have thought the worse of him had he decided to concentrate on sorting out the many administrative problems that beset L Detachment .
12 The company went through the whole process of licensing the tapes from the BBC , sorting out the elaborate artwork and manufacturing the records , cassettes and CDs .
13 And so the state sector is n't in the fiction at all , and things are worked out from the outside by slightly maverick women , sorting out the problems created by the state — whether it 's in terms of poverty or wife bashing .
14 If there is goodwill on both sides , sorting out the precise details of the termination deal may not be too difficult once there is a consensus on the key points of principle .
15 Useful , too , would be classes in book-keeping and accountancy which would help in sorting out the often difficult financial problems of managing on your own .
16 That started a whole new chain of experiences , both sorting out the piece from scratch all over again , and finding out how to cope with such a monumental work technically without ruining my physique ( I am not quite as young as I was ) !
17 Allen went on sorting out the rope and every now and then tugging at it to test it .
18 However , there are many who want an entertainer , either to do a one-hour spot or to organize the games , so the parents have very little responsibility apart from sorting out the room , sending out the invitations , and organizing the food .
19 ‘ On this tour , we 've got a lot more material to choose from , and we 're sorting out the set as we go along .
20 Even so , sorting out the tabloids ca n't hurt .
21 But too many of them have been weaned on the habit of chopping up the New Testament into bits ( sorting out the sources , contemporary themes and ideologies of Aramaic Palestine or the Hellenistic world ) so that they can no longer see the scriptures as a sacred text aflame with the divine drama .
22 His agent was sorting out the fine print .
23 Someone once described this as sorting out the knots in the knitting and then taking pride in wearing the jumper .
24 If you are intent on sorting out the problem , take courage and talk to your boss privately about his/her aggressive behaviour .
25 He says : ‘ I wanted to sign them both and was sorting out the work permit side of it when I was dismissed .
26 The whole process of sorting out the lengths of rope , tying in , and tying off the coils may take several minutes in a party of novices .
27 Good climbs here are sufficiently thick on the ground to make the task of sorting out the best rather bewildering to the newcomer , but an acquaintance with the following three routes ought to leave little doubt just what Froggatt can offer , probing as they do into most areas of the gritstone experience found at the ‘ middle grades ’ .
28 Mike went down to assist Dave Lister in sorting out the rope which was still attached to him , and Dave moved along and up the bergschrund to aid Steve in routefinding as he downclimbed , diagonally to the right , towards a narrower slot which he might cross unroped .
29 ‘ Though , of course , he 's responsible for the financial arrangements — sorting out the island 's modest economics , including the allowance the New Zealand government pays Princess Tiare to support her honorary status as a princess . ’
30 After dinner he planned to make a proper start on sorting out the contents of the house .
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