Example sentences of "marked the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 That marked the first time that solar neutrons were detected on the ground .
2 The importance of this discovery can not be over-estimated , for through it I was led on to the further discovery of the Primary Control of the workings of all the mechanisms of the human organisms , and this marked the first important stage of my investigation .
3 But because of his private trainer status Sibton Abbey 's win on Saturday marked the first time Murphy 's name had been credited as trainer of a big race winner .
4 When Norman recruited Sir Ian McGregor , this marked the first time in Britain that a nationalised industry chief had been appointed through executive search .
5 Nevertheless it marked the first step — though only that — in the restoration of royal coinage inside West Francia .
6 However , the Family Allowances Act 1945 marked the first scheme of allowances to benefit all families with two or more children irrespective of the employment status of either mother or father and without proof of need or evidence of contributions .
7 It marked the first time that an Offshore Division production platform has been used to process oil or natural gas from a third party well .
8 The accord marked the first application of the so-called " Brady plan " designed to encourage voluntary debt reduction schemes [ see pp. 36541-42 ; 37016-17 ] .
9 This marked the first launch of its kind in China .
10 The conviction of Shinto , after a 20-month trial , marked the first occasion on which a court had ruled that the Recruit shares had been intended as a bribe .
11 The case marked the first use of the Organized Crime Control Act of New York State in connection with fraud on Wall Street 's financial markets .
12 The visit marked the first step towards improved relations between the two countries since the suspension in October 1990 of US military aid [ see p. 37764 ] .
13 Under the terms of the deal , which marked the first direct trading contact between the two Korean states since the Korean War of 1950-53 , the North would supply 30,000 tonnes of anthracite and 11,000 tonnes of cement in exchange for the rice .
14 It marked the first occasion on which the UK had taken steps to grant political asylum to a refugee from another Western country .
15 The agreement was reached in the face of one of the worst droughts in the region this century [ see p. 38755 ] and marked the first occasion on which South Africa and members of the SADCC had agreed to co-operate economically .
16 The detentions marked the first major roundup of Jews by French police during the Nazi occupation of France .
17 Monday marked the first time he spoke from the Oval Office , sitting at John F Kennedy 's desk , on a national holiday celebrating George Washington 's birthday .
18 Though he recalled once scoring a hat-trick for Toronto Blizzard , Nicholl 's two goals against Dunfermline marked the first time in his senior career that the Irishman had notched a double in top-class football .
19 A major Papal Encylical entitled Centesimus Annus issued on May 2 marked the 100th anniversary of the 1891 Encyclical Rerum Novarum .
20 The summit marked the 15th anniversary of the creation of the regional body in Lagos in 1975 [ for list of member states see p. 36991 ] .
21 FEBRUARY 15 marked the 25th anniversary of the official opening of Woodacon Oils ' terminal at Sinclair Road in Torry , Aberdeen .
22 It marked the second French defeat in a year ; it fully restored to the English their military reputation which was no longer seen to depend on one man , Henry V ; and , most important of all , it opened the way southwards for further advance into central France .
23 Nevertheless , 1988 marked the second year of strong recovery from the growth recession of 1986 .
24 Last Wednesday marked the second anniversary of the 29-year-old 's death .
25 Last Wednesday marked the second anniversary of the 29-year-old 's death .
26 1964 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the laying of the Foundation Stone of the main building , and soon parts of the School came to resemble a building site yet again .
27 The honour marked the 40th anniversary of the war 's end and it is thought to be the last medal minted under the old Soviet administration .
28 The Brussels Agreement of February 1988 ( European Commission 1989b ) marked the next stage in the re-organisation of the EC finances .
29 The spreading tentacles of Russian railways into Asia marked the last great imperial push of the Tsarist empire .
30 The mujaheddin marked the 10th anniversary of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan on Dec. 27 in similar fashion by launching at least 52 rockets into Kabul killing dozens of people according to a government spokesperson .
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