Example sentences of "vote for the " in BNC.

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1 Catholics , however , did not vote for the Unionist Party .
2 ‘ All you have to do is be black and do n't curse the Jews directly , and the Jew will vote for the black in a second .
3 As the representative from Rochdale said yesterday afternoon , she knew most people in the hall would vote for the return of the death penalty , at which the applause was loud and sustained .
4 After the election for the chief whip , Labour MPs will vote for the restyled Shadow Cabinet , the elections for which are being weighted to ensure a minimum representation of three women .
5 The small Democratic Party , Solidarity 's coalition , has already said it will not vote for the indexation plan .
6 I 'd vote for the party candidate . ’
7 But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election .
8 His friend , Mr Derek Harrod , said : ‘ I would vote for the official candidate .
9 But they are banned from party membership and can not vote for the party at election time .
10 Conversely , people living outside the UK ( and who have recently been resident in the UK ) can continue to join and vote for the party even though the next Labour Government 's policies will have little direct impact on their lives .
11 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
12 I said to myself I will not vote for the Conservative party again .
13 The slogans of the main parties could be summed up as ‘ Do n't vote for the other party ’ ; and the only person rising in the polls was the leader of the Liberal Democrats , whose message could be summed up as ‘ Do n't vote for negative campaigning ’ .
14 This week you will vote for the next government , and I shall not be around to ventilate , on your behalf , your righteous rage at the disgusting results of your electoral behaviour .
15 I shall vote for the amendment and I hope and expect that my honourable friends will do likewise . '
16 Next time we may well vote for the Scottish National Party , no more NUNGE .
17 They do not officially vote for the president until December 14 but , as they follow the will of their states , the result will effectively be known after today 's election .
18 ‘ In other words , we would not vote for the ball being thrown in any direction , for instance to someone running onto it from deep .
19 David Boren , the Oklahoma Democrat who holds the swing vote on the committee , has already made it clear that he will not vote for the current package , dubbing it ‘ Stimulus 2 ’ , a reference to Mr Clinton 's ill-fated emergency spending package .
20 John Breaux , a Louisiana senator who also sits on the Finance Committee , is too close to the president and the treasury secretary , Lloyd Bentsen , to be as outspoken as Mr Boren , but he will not vote for the BTU tax as it stands , and prefers a straightforward petrol tax .
21 He was followed in the same debate by a junior who informed the representative body that even if we did not vote for the juniors ' motion a solution would be imposed by the Department of Health in conjunction with the juniors whether we liked it or not .
22 Did he really believe that it would vote for the introduction of industrial democracy in the Bullock Report 's dubious prescription for it ?
23 In Britain he has no choice : he must vote for the single constituency candidate that his party has selected .
24 Graham , the doubter who would not vote for the local Conservative MP , had even expressed indifference about the Russians taking over South Africa .
25 I 'll vote for the right person wo n't I .
26 So I hope that you will vote for the environment and local democracy by VOTING GREEN on 3rd MAY .
27 More specifically , the model of responsible party government carried within itself the view that the electorate would not just be informed about politics but would vote for the party which has a programme of policies in accord with their own view as to how things should be .
28 It blew open those divisions , but did not stop the present Prime Minister saying , when he spoke as Chancellor in that debate : ’ I believe that they will vote for the consistency , courage and conviction with which my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has led this country so successfully for so long . ’
29 I hope that the hon. Lady will vote for the Bill , because its purpose is to speed up the process .
30 The chairman of the Conservative party can vote for the motion because he is opposed to a referendum , and the right hon. Lady can vote for it because she advocates a referendum .
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