Example sentences of "collect [art] money " in BNC.

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1 I 'll stay at home with my alibi on Sunday , while you collect the money . ’
2 This is partly philanthropic and partly economic — it may cost more to process the bill and collect the money than to write off the charge !
3 It was my job to go to all these various places and collect the money and take the numbers on the till and collect the money and put it in a bag , put it in the safe .
4 It was my job to go to all these various places and collect the money and take the numbers on the till and collect the money and put it in a bag , put it in the safe .
5 Yes I , after I lost my daughter I had to go into erm , into the factory to make aeroplane pieces at Burnt Mill cos I was so bad with my nerves after I lost her , er just afternoons I had to go and then I was taken ill I could n't do it , well then after my erm , I got my family off to school I took a part time job in erm one of the factories making tea in the mornings for the office and coffees and that for the office and then in the afternoons I used to do the tea as well , I used to cycle there , I quite enjoyed it until my right hip started coming bad then I had to pack it in , but I was in there , I was there for about four years and I thoroughly enjoyed it you know making tea and that , I did n't have to take it round only collect the money to go round and collect the money , but used to have to put the trolley outside and they used to come and get their tea each one , of which they knew which was their mugs and cups ha , you know , I , I thoroughly enjoyed that job , really great
6 I would suggest that given the decision we prepared to make now even if you have to send a deposit get the local party to stump up the deposit and collect the money as soon as convenient from the people who are committed to going .
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