Example sentences of "arrive at a " in BNC.

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1 NEXT St Andrew 's Day , if all goes to plan , a delegation of Scots , with a lone piper , will arrive at a forlorn old garden in the town of Weifang in eastern China , to bring to an appropriately dignified conclusion one of the more remarkable sports stories of the century .
2 Should you arrive at a delicatessen counter when a salame is just being started or finished , you may be lucky enough to collect the end chunk which can be used to give extra flavour to spaghetti sauces or risotto-type dishes .
3 Norah , for instance , would arrive at a Yorkshire pit village one Sunday morning to be shown round the mine in a white helmet .
4 Elisabeth recalled the times she had seen the midwife arrive at a peasant 's cottage . …
5 Suggesting that Saddam Hussein was deliberately lured into Kuwait to provide a pretext for the war , he urged the states in the region to ‘ arrive at a strategic consensus to provide a meaningful deterrent to zionist and western powers ’ .
6 Even if we were to include the value attributed to armaments in PP4 we would only arrive at a total of 21,019 .
7 Eventually , you will arrive at a palette that has all the sections in the palette box an even shade of grey .
8 For it neglects the possibility that , by studying the conjectures and procedures of social scientists , we might arrive at a richer and enlarged conception of social explanation .
9 With the Punks , of course , this jumble-sale of fashion would arrive at a self-consciously surreal conclusion in that the scraps were now held together , literally and very visibly , with safety-pins .
10 How do you arrive at a good idea ?
11 Thus , to George 's great indignation , he would arrive at a racecourse to hear that the cup for the 2.30 was about to be presented to the winner by Mrs Frank Coven , when he thought it ought to be presented by Lord Wigg .
12 When we see those proposals we shall arrive at a judgment .
13 American and Soviet leaders could arrive at a compromise over the composition of the future Afghan regime , perhaps at a summit meeting , which would pave the way for subsequent international guarantees of Afghanistan 's formal non-alignment .
14 Between three and four hours later they 'll arrive at a point about thirty miles from here . ’
15 I thank the Secretary of State for this concession , and I am sure that , with good will on the part of the Government , we can arrive at a successful outcome .
16 The project focuses on the manner and extent to which these interests can arrive at a common view on the objectives of vocational training .
17 You will note , however , from my colleague 's memo to me that before DEF can arrive at a price they would wish to meet management .
18 At a press conference after the meeting Mubarak expressed his confidence that Kuwait and Iraq would " arrive at a comfortable and calm , quiet solution " .
19 Using matrix algebra we may arrive at a numerical solution for the factor premiums , where F -1 is the inverse matrix of F , .
20 Therefore I believe we can still arrive at a compromise on the options in the statement .
21 Let me put it another way , if we lived in a magic world , and were n't having things like essays and package deals together , and any officer was being asked to forecast the money that would be needed for the sensible and , and virile implementation of five B , would you arrive at a figure of about thirty thousand pounds or not ?
22 No , I do n't see any reason why we should n't arrive at a costing based on the costing quoted before .
23 rather than say if it does n't arrive at a set time
24 Almost , but erm one could certainly arrive at a situation of the sort you 're imagining that we want to be sure that when we look at some very exotic phenomena in the past of the universe , which has no parallel on earth , erm or in our vicinity , how can we be sure that the laws of physics that we 've deduced on earth really apply ?
25 Why is it that you can arrive at an aerodrome ( they do not have the temerity to call them airports , let alone international ) with facilities such as NDBs , localisers , clean eating facilities , tar macadam runways , and where landing fees are minimum ?
26 By studying the differences and the ways in which they arise we can arrive at an understanding of how language relates to gender .
27 Furthermore , it is often possible to replicate the artefacts in order to test the hypotheses about a particular object , although in some cases several different technological methods might arrive at an identical end-product .
28 Thus you might arrive at an attribution of intention in the warning SQUASHED INSECTS DO NT BITE and the straight assertion MAD MENTAL RULE — without the OK tag , which might be taken to invite assent on the part of the addressee . )
29 However , remember that in working with check lists it is n't crucial , to start with , if you ca n't arrive at an exact technical phonetic description straight off — as long as you can distinguish between same and different you can still make progress .
30 The thought that some serious assaults may not be defined ( by the victim ) as criminal also invites consideration of the possibility that even self-report studies may arrive at an under-representation of the true level of crime .
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