Example sentences of "hidden from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Women Resistance and Revolution , Women I Consciousness Man I World , Hidden from History and A new World for Women all came out of this preoccupation .
2 No longer ‘ hidden from history ’ women artists and art historians have , over the past decade , been grappling with the thorny question of the feminine aesthetic .
3 There were , there are : they have simply been hidden from history .
4 This , of course , should come as no surprise ; the high standards achieved by women in the arts are now well documented by feminist historians , as are the reasons for their having been ‘ hidden from history ’ .
5 For example , a search for " women and their fight in society " would lead to a message to the effect that there is no book described by all the words of the search , but the system would nevertheless retrieve four items ( in the PCL catalogue ) , the first of which is titled Hidden from history : 300 years of women 's oppression and the fight against it .
6 A few corpses swayed in the breeze at the end of a rope but they had built a wall so when the bodies decayed and fell , their sight , if not their stink , was hidden from passersby .
7 Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight ,
8 Danger men such as Gerald Kaufman and John Prescott , who might have taken the wrapping off the chocolate box , were kept hidden from sight .
9 And on the other side of the river , Gorigāuń4 , hidden From sight by the curve of a wooded hillside , projected above itself a pale orb of hazy reddish light .
10 Not far from Kylesku but hidden from sight and not easy of access is the highest waterfall in Britain , Eas Coul Aulin , its height being officially stated as 658 feet .
11 More easily now , he made his way along the roof-tops , hidden from sight by the forest of chimney stacks .
12 In a typical seventeenth-century image , the world was likened to a watch whose face is presented to our five senses but whose real workings are governed by springs and wheels , hidden from sight behind the back .
13 What the alternative to today 's degenerate and evil society is presents no immediate problem : women are once again hidden from sight , or married ones have their hair shorn ; thieves are once again punished by having hands or legs cut off ; alcohol , or whatever else is ritually prohibited , is banned ; and Koran , or Bible , or whatever constitutes the authoritative compendium or eternal wisdom , provides complete practical and moral guidance on all subjects , as interpreted by those whose business it is to do so .
14 The music was played by two musicians , Rolande and Ydrys , sitting cross-legged under the cart with a hurdy-gurdy , a reed-pipe , a drum and a shawm , all hidden from sight by a straw bale .
15 The village felt rather as if it were a hopeful ark floating in isolation while the rest of the world was covered over , hidden from sight by watery winter .
16 But one thing is common to all who follow the process of reforming in feeling : that is experience of the life of desire for God , freed from any earthly considerations , as an entry from the light of the world into a darkness in which things normally hidden from sight can gradually be discerned , and in which ultimately there grows a vision of a greater light .
17 The 300-acre site has all the features needed — roads and hills — and is hidden from sight , said a club official , adding that the centre would attract tourists .
18 Despite the total lack of natural foliage , or local buildings , the company is well hidden from ground and aerial observation .
19 On my first venture into the spanking new penthouse offices , clutching some very crap live reviews of some extremely crap bands , I encountered a bizarre race of pointy-headed mutants who had remained hidden from civilisation for countless generations .
20 The powerhouse responsible for heating up the dust is hidden from view but the team believes it is either a quasar or a massive burst of star formation .
21 The small heated swimming pool hidden from view near the rose walk was a wedding gift from the Army .
22 It is a country largely hidden from view ( apart from the skyscraper banks that clutter the skyline of Panama City ) .
23 Even to open the letter was a burden and she waited until she was alone and hidden from view to do so .
24 The forces of law and order were not constitutionally apparent , the apparatus of state power was hidden from view , and this provided the Revolutionary Command Council with an unregulated instrument of policy .
25 Even when it is hidden from view , we know it is there , securing the plane on which we act our lives .
26 Hidden from view upstairs in the house is the room where Lawrence of Arabia used to stay , with its photos , books and , now silently put away in a box , Shaw 's dentures .
27 Freezing on the trunk , they are now completely hidden from view and make no tell-tale sound .
28 In this way , squirrels in a wood can remain hidden from view while a predator explores the whole region .
29 We had already negotiated long stretches of the Cherwell where we were completely hidden from view .
30 Thus , the pressing of a large computer-linked key identified by a pattern that the chimpanzee has been trained to associate with the availability of bananas , is no more surprising than its ability to associate the presence of bananas with the shape of a banana plant on which the bananas are hidden from view .
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