Example sentences of "add [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Another thought struck him which would add credence to his story .
2 Simple balances and a variety of pots and containers can then add variety to the experience of filling , emptying and sharing .
3 While you 're waiting for the kettle to boil erm , get a cup from the cupboard and a tea bag from the tea jar , put tea bag in the the cup and then wait for the kettle to boil and o , once the kettle has boiled you put your hot water into the cup and le , and let the tea brew for a little while And then , after you let it brew you can either add milk to it or , do not add milk to it .
4 While you 're waiting for the kettle to boil erm , get a cup from the cupboard and a tea bag from the tea jar , put tea bag in the the cup and then wait for the kettle to boil and o , once the kettle has boiled you put your hot water into the cup and le , and let the tea brew for a little while And then , after you let it brew you can either add milk to it or , do not add milk to it .
5 ‘ Andy 's move will certainly add spice to the Wigan-Leeds games this season , as long as he does n't turn us over ! ’
6 Keeping the girl out of touch , of her own volition , would add spice to the game .
7 Small touches like presenting objects wrapped up , or putting them inside a " feel bag " and asking pupils to guess what they are can add spice to the exercise .
8 160 have been arrested so far after trashing a hotel so that should add spice to the clash this evening .
9 Now running short of ideas after craft stalls and sponsored walks , the 16 students decided a competition between males and females would add spice to the final weeks of their campaign .
10 It must be noted that the syntactic filter would first add complexity to the search space by providing alternative syntactic tags for certain lexical items .
11 Even if there is no consistent relationship present it does seem likely that previous knowledge of some of the junctions will at least add noise to the data .
12 They must needs add insult to injury . ’
13 And Madam I 'd ask you not to make any award for compensation to his girlfriend cos that 's just gon na add insult to injury really , is n't it ?
14 Right : Hanging a large mirror opposite windows will add light to a dark room .
15 In Vienna , the architect Hans Hollein has produced small new shopfronts that are a sensation ; so there is no reason why appropriately sited new shopfronts , in a contemporary or even futuristic style , can not sometimes add zip to a high street .
16 The widespread sympathy in Britain for Dr Cox may add weight to the argument of the pro-euthanasia campaigners .
17 The King said that he had considered abdicating over the question of whether to meet Israel face-to-face , but that he believed that attending the talks would add weight to international calls for Israel 's withdrawal from the occupied territories .
18 The original reasons for seeking a Royal Charter remain : it would give greater status to the Association , its members and indeed the whole industry ; we would enjoy the endorsement by the Privy Council to our qualifications for membership ; recognition by the Privy Council would add weight to the Association 's opinion on issues when lobbying Government or debating with others ; our members would have the Privy Council 's endorsement of being true professionals with the opportunityfor a Corporate member to be called a Chartered Hotelier or a Chartered Caterer .
19 Heart Shaped Face : Veils that become fuller below the ear will suit you best because they 'll add width to the jawline .
20 These recipes will all add zest to your cookery .
21 Although plants will add oxygen to the water during the hours of daylight , at night the cycle is reversed and the plants complete more successfully than the fish for available oxygen — this is also true of the so-called ‘ oxygenating plants ’ .
22 ( Note this is a net sources and uses statement ; a gross statement would add depreciation to the sources column and replace net investment with gross investment in the uses column . )
23 Each tug has a bollard pull of 19 tonnes and will add flexibility to the fleet both in Leith and in the river .
24 She heard the sound of him dressing , but waited until she heard him add wood to the fire before sitting up .
25 A year later , at another John Peel session , they drafted in Len Liggins to help add authenticity to their new-found folk edge .
26 We could of course add percentage to this output perhaps making things stand out more , as in figure 8 .
27 I think he hoped I might eventually add distinction to the family name , of which he was intensely proud , and his initial interest in me also developed into affection .
28 The remuneration packages will add fuel to the debate about top-level rewards but the group claimed yesterday that with pre-tax profits and earnings per share up 17 p.c. last year and the dividend to shareholders 10 p.c. higher the increases were justified .
29 With big Sheffield United striker Brian Deane also in favour , it will add fuel to the conviction that Taylor will adopt a direct , if not long-ball , approach .
30 This knowledge can and does add fuel to the alarmist ‘ law and order ’ fire : ‘ it 's even worse than we imagined ! ’
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