Example sentences of "sell at a " in BNC.

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1 A residence with sitting tenants will sell at a discount to its open market value , so there is a strong disincentive for landlords to relet any accommodation which becomes vacant .
2 The defender said he would sell at a price of £70,000 .
3 Rights to either buy or sell at a specified price within a specified period ( 3 months ) .
4 All done then , I 'll sell at a hundred and twenty pounds .
5 And I shall sell at a hundred and sixty pounds .
6 Unless — nightmare ! — Wilko has got him to sign so 's he can sell at a higher price to Blackburn … : - (
7 The " self-scrubbing " coal will sell at a premium , but the overall cost will be a fraction of the sum which power generators can currently expect to pay for scrubbing technology .
8 Despite Hugh 's remarks about downgrading our skills and devaluing wood , we are as concerned as the professional ( possible more so ) about ‘ promoting wood … as something with its own intrinsic beauty ’ , since we can put our heart into the work without worrying about whether or not it will sell , let alone whether it will sell at an ‘ economic ’ price .
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