Example sentences of "pointing out to " in BNC.

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1 There are an awful lot of people monitoring the situation , pointing out to the ‘ powers that be ’ where things are going wrong and suggesting solutions .
2 Their modern equivalents , two 120mm mortars , stand nearby , pointing out to sea .
3 There were only two other cars at the front and they rolled to a stop alongside the plinth on which the antique cannon stood pointing out to sea like some deep-chested mongrel .
4 Does Mr. Kemp not recollect Hofmannsthal pointing out to Strauss that the more light-heartedly he could handle the composition , the better it would be ?
5 No comment is worth making on this bizarre suggestion , except perhaps pointing out to Professor Drife that a beard is n't precisely the right analogy .
6 ‘ This protest is our way of pointing out to banks that they are playing with people 's livelihoods , not just money , ’ says Andrew Donovan of SAFE .
7 It may be worth pointing out to new customers who prove reluctant to pay on time that the keenly competitive rates being charged on the haulage contract can only be maintained if customers settle promptly .
8 This critic concluded his review by pointing out to his readers what he thought were the real merits of the film for he had thought of it as being ‘ neither capitalistic nor laboristic , but a straight-away drama ’ not at all ‘ depending on any propaganda to arouse the spectator 's interest ’ .
9 It is worth pointing out to the group that the first session is always the most anxiety-provoking , after which future sessions become progressively easier .
10 I suspected that Gillian was getting rid of Wyatt as a way of breaking with her father ( who did n't even come to the wedding , incidentally ) and pointing out to her Mum what she ought to have done years before .
11 This Grade 2 Listed Building is set in a rocky cliff face pointing out to sea a little way along the foreshore .
12 I read this poem to a group of 10- and 11-year-old children , pointing out to them the physical immediacy of phrases like ‘ tummy jiggled ’ , ‘ ears/Were cold ’ and ‘ teeth on edge ’ .
13 I demurred , pointing out to Haines that as the chairman of the Newspaper Publishers Association I had been very careful to avoid interfering with press stories in any way .
14 Afterwards they drank coffee on the terrace , Antonio admiring the garden and pointing out to Susanna a cannonball tree , its cream- and pink-coloured blossoms softly illuminated in the light from a carefully concealed spotlight .
15 The romantic grave on that rocky promontory ; the great man lying there , his head pointing out to sea , listening for all eternity to the comings and goings of the tide ; the young writer , with stirrings of genius inside him , kneels by the tomb , watches the pink drain slowly from the evening sky , reflects — in the way young men are wont to do — on eternity , the fugitive nature of life and the consolations of greatness , then gathers a flower which has rooted itself in Châteaubriand 's dust , and sends it to his beautiful mistress in Paris …
16 The intrusive Boswell then took another liberty — ; that of pointing out to Johnson ‘ that he very often sat quite silent for a long time , even when in company with only a single friend ’ , at which Johnson reminded Boswell of an acquaintance who had once observed , ‘ Sir , you are like a ghost : you never speak till you are spoken to . ’
17 In 1156 Arnulf persuaded Henry to delay indefinitely his plans to invade Ireland by pointing out to him , quite correctly , that the papal permission obtained by John of Salisbury [ q.v. ] acknowledged the pope 's overlordship of all islands — a matter of no small consequence to the ruler of an island kingdom .
18 Group members may well help each other by pointing out to another where and what a problem might be .
19 I would further recommend that a strong warning be issued to the father , pointing out to him that if he should continue to molest his wife and daughter the law allows an injunction to be brought against him , forbidding him access to the marital home .
20 Perhaps you can assist me too by pointing out to your companion that Ana is to be left alone and not inveigled into — friendship .
21 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is worth pointing out to young children that in 1950 it took a man on average industrial wages a week to earn enough to buy his Christmas turkey and that it now takes a person in a similar position just 90 minutes to do so ?
22 ‘ As he keeps pointing out to us .
23 The adviser then spoke to the whole department , pointing out to them that , ‘ the appraisal is a thing we as advisers are required to do .
24 She is prone to pointing out to journalists that she has ugly hands ( her assessment ) , says she grew up thinking she was plain and now is so embarrassed by her appearance on screen that she never sees her films unless she 's forced to .
25 Melodramatic examples , like Peter 's clawing up to F sharp on the phrase " We shall be free " while the chorus chants relentlessly on F natural ( Act Two scene one ) , or the foghorn 's mindless E flat against D on " the tide will turn " in the last scene , hardly need pointing out to the attentive listener .
26 Arriving back at the large beach house , she took the two sleepy children upstairs to their large bedroom , firmly overriding their protests that no , they really did n't want a bath by pointing out to them that they were still covered with sand and sea water .
27 The British staff at Culham were pointing out to the eminent scientists that they are paid less than their colleagues from fourteen other European countries working alongside them .
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