Example sentences of "published the first " in BNC.

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1 The Guardian and The Observer published details of the contents of the book in April 1986 and The Sunday Times published the first of a series of extracts in July 1987 .
2 Campbell was totally influenced by the great Italian architect Palladio and in 1715 published the first volume of Vitruvius Britannicus .
3 Last week Harvard University Press published the first conspectus of myremecology since 1910 , by Dr Wilson and Dr Bert Holldobler ( a fellow Harvard professor ) .
4 In 1976 , Henry Blake published the first of a number of books that showed that he had studied the horse 's mind in depth .
5 We published the first comprehensive White Paper on the Environment in 1990 .
6 The 1750s marked an important transition , as works by such men as Duncombe and Ballard celebrated the achievements of women writers , and Colman and Thornton published the first edition of Poems by Eminent Ladies .
7 In 1988 , Andrei Kataev and two other physicists at the Institute of Nuclear Research in Moscow published the first calculation for routes which involve three gluons ( Physics Letters B , vol 212 , p 238 ) .
8 She returned to England on the death of her Father ; she did not attend the funeral ( in a picturesque little English church ) , but did become his literary editor and published the first and most authoritative biography .
9 By the time it published the first issue of its bulletin , STOP , in February 1980 the DUC had effectively changed from being an information and research group into an opposition group , as the bulletin made clear : ‘ After investigation into the hazards related to uranium and its by-products , the DUC feels that since uranium can not be mined safely , exploration should cease . ’
10 Six years later , in 1862 , Köchel published the first edition of his famous thematic catalogue , which itself stimulated a ‘ complete edition ’ of the music , published between 1877 and 1883 by Breitkopf .
11 In the last issue of Action we published the first portion of the international Study and Action Programme which was launched in July this year by WACC 's Central Committee .
12 The first great public indication of the shift in Barth 's thinking came in 1927 , when he published the first volume of a projected Christian Dogmatics , which was intended eventually to handle in a systematic way all the main Christian doctrines .
13 When Maxwell published the first details of the kinetic theory of gases in 1859 , in that very same paper he acknowledged the fact that the theory was falsified by measurements on the specific heats of gases .
14 Melvil Dewey , a famous librarian , devised the decimal classification system and published the first edition of it in 1876 , when he was 21 .
15 The effect held up ( although this time it was somewhat smaller ) , and we published the first paper describing the results in 1980 .
16 In 1890 he published the first of his two major textbooks , Theory of Light , followed by Theory of Heat in 1894 .
17 In 1891 he published a Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the Incorporated Law Society , and in the following year , 1892 , published the first volume of his Modern English Biography , containing many thousand concise memoirs of people who had died since the year 1850 .
18 Cooke 's interest in fungi began while he was teaching , and in 1862 he published the first popular book on toadstools , A Plain and Easy Account of British Fungi .
19 In 1928 she published the first general history of the women 's suffrage movement , The Cause , and in 1931 Millicent Garrett Fawcett .
20 Furber was also one of the Society of Gardeners led by Miller which published the first part of its Catalogus Plantarum in 1730 , but by then he had issued two catalogues of his own , one of English and foreign trees , the other of ‘ the Best and Choicest Fruit Trees ’ ( both in 1727 ) .
21 But in 1607 his friend Agostino Agazzari published the first little treatise on continuo performance , Del suonare sopra il basso con tutti stromenti & uso loro nel conserto , which does explain the use of figures .
22 In the same year as Kittel 's Arien und Cantaten , yet another of Schutz 's pupils , his cousin Heinrich Albert ( 1604–51 ) published the first of eight ‘ parts ’ of Arien …
23 Early in 1913 Cendrars published the first ‘ simultaneous ’ book , La Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France , a poem over six feet in length , which was printed in letters of different colours and sizes on an abstract coloured background designed by Sonia Delaunay .
24 In 1980 the Modern Records Centre published the first title in its Sources Booklet series , providing researchers with relevant references on the role of women in the working situation and in society generally from its extensive holdings of trade union , employers ' organisation and interest group records and personal archives .
25 Sutherland published the first catalogue of plants in the physic garden , the Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis , in 1683 .
26 The journals in which researchers published the first paper relating to their research are shown in the following ranked table .
27 As long ago as 1915 Scott published the first research on interviews showing that 6 personnel managers could not agree about a common set of applicants , a finding that has been replicated innumerable times and will be reflected in the personal experience of most interviewers .
28 Rumours of impending action in Algiers filtered back to him , and on 11 May the editor of a leading Algiers newspaper published the first public appeal for his return .
29 REACTION was muted in Dublin yesterday when the Sunday Times published the first extracts from Forbidden Fruit , the book detailing Annie Murphy 's affair with the then Bishop of Kerry , Dr Eamon Casey .
30 During the year the University was featured in the Times Educational Supplement ; published the first of its new-style Annual Reports ; and attracted more favourable press comment as a forward looking , responsive institution .
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