Example sentences of "liable [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A servant of the Crown is not himself liable for contracts made by him on behalf of the Crown , nor is he liable as a principal for the acts or defaults of his subordinates unless expressly authorized or subsequently ratified by him .
2 Savory argued that a stranger to whom money had been paid in breach of trust could only be held liable as a constructive trustee to account for the money after he had parted with it , if it could be shown that he knew the money misapplied was trust money .
3 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
4 There was no basis for finding that Savory was liable as a constructive trustee for the £13.5m and Eagle 's claim was struck out .
5 The effect of this decision is to reverse the trend that was evident from the preceding cases in which there had been a gradual tendency to expand the range of third parties to whom accountants might be held to be liable as a result of errors in financial statements .
6 One publisher requires that authors warrant that the article does not infringe any copyright , trademark or patent , that is not libellous and so on ( matters that are beyond the competence of the author to judge ) and the author is required to indemnify the publishers ‘ against any costs expenses , or damages which [ the publisher ] may incur or for which [ the publisher ] may become liable as a result of any breach of these warranties ’ .
7 There is no need to call up the tort where the legal wrong procured is itself a tort against the plaintiff , for the procurer is then himself liable as a joint tortfeasor ; nor , it seems , is there a tort of inducing a breach of trust , because a person who procures such an act becomes himself , by the doctrines of equity , liable as a trustee .
8 There is no need to call up the tort where the legal wrong procured is itself a tort against the plaintiff , for the procurer is then himself liable as a joint tortfeasor ; nor , it seems , is there a tort of inducing a breach of trust , because a person who procures such an act becomes himself , by the doctrines of equity , liable as a trustee .
9 That section is in the following terms : ( 1 ) Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct represents himself , or who knowingly suffers himself to be represented , as a partner in a particular firm , is liable as a partner to any one who has on the faith of any such representation given credit to the firm , whether the representation has or has not been made or communicated to the person so giving credit by or with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or suffering it to be made .
10 A cause of action to which a hospital authority or a member of its medical staff ( or both ) may be liable as the result of the performance of an operation is trespass to the person , and treatment administered without the patient 's express or implied consent constitutes an assault which may lead to an action for damages .
11 The scope of the innkeeper 's duty is further limited by s.2(3) : where the proprietor of an hotel is liable as an innkeeper to make good the loss of or damage to property brought to the hotel , his liability to any one guest shall not exceed fifty pounds in respect of any one article , or one hundred pounds in the aggregate , except where —
12 The reasoning on this point has , however , attracted much criticism and it has been proposed that the husband should , in future , be held liable as an accessory in these circumstances .
13 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
14 ‘ Any person who on any premises — as aforesaid , carries on an offensive trade without such consent , if any , as at the date of establishment of the trade was required by subsection ( 1 ) of this section … shall be liable for a fine not exceeding £5 for every day on which he carried on the trade — after receiving notice from the local authority to discontinue the trade ’ .
15 Partners are jointly and severally liable for a partnership 's debts , and their dealings with each other require the utmost good faith ; implicit in this is that they all know each other , including their strengths and weaknesses .
16 When an agent makes a contract either the principal is liable or the agent is liable for a breach of authority .
17 This means that homes sold for between £30,000 and £60,000 will no longer be liable for a tax levy of 1pc on the purchase price — a saving of up to £600 .
18 He procured his wife to sign the mandate for the joint account without explaining to her , and without her understanding , that she might become personally liable for a future overdraft on the joint account .
19 On the other hand , there might be circumstances where an employer would be vicariously liable for a conspiracy involving his servants provided the other requirements of that form of liability are met .
20 The holder is vicariously liable for a contravention .
21 Like any other seller of goods , a manufacturer can be liable for a breach of a term of his contract of sale .
22 The apportionment , usually expressed in percentage terms , operates with the same penalty as in the normal Tender , viz. that in the event that after Proof the party to whom the Tender has been made is found liable for a greater proportion of the claim than was offered to him , then that party becomes responsible for the Tenderer 's expenses from the date when the Tender was lodged .
23 If he is reported for striking with the boot then he 's liable for a three month ban .
24 The move ended a struggle between Bond and a banking syndicate led by the Hong Kong Bank of Australia in which the latter claimed that Bond was liable for a personal loan worth US$194,600,000 .
25 The employer may also be liable for a practical joker whom he knows about and fails to take steps to deal with ( Hudson v Ridge Manufacturing Co Ltd [ 1957 ] 2 QB 348 ) .
26 At common law the employer did not guarantee the safety of the equipment and could not be held liable for a latent defect in it .
27 If a union complains to an industrial tribunal of failure by the employer to consult , the employer may be liable for a compensation award of up to two weeks ' pay per employee affected with a week 's salary being limited to £184 .
28 his right to claim his fees and expenses , but he may also be liable for a damages claim for wasted time and money , depending on whether his actions have caused the loss complained of .
29 It would partly alter the definition of rape or serious sexual assault ; it would introduce an element of negligence liability ; and it would also make D liable for an omission .
30 For example , if one arm of a conglomerate offering financial advice to a client acquires , whether directly or indirectly , inside information from that client and , without that client 's express or implied consent , deals on it , or relays it to others who deal on it , the conglomerate is potentially liable for an action brought by the client for breach of confidence .
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