Example sentences of "destroyed by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 August 24 : N67977 C-46 is confirmed as one of the two examples destroyed by Hurricane Andrew at Tamiami ( FP November , p10 ) , the other is now known to have been N625CL .
2 The report also looks at a wide variety of other Scottish buildings which have been allowed to deteriorate or may be destroyed by development .
3 Some details of breeding success were recorded by the survey , with an average of 2.4 young reared from 15 nests , in which 61 eggs were laid ; three eggs were infertile and 17 stolen or destroyed by man , an important predator of this species .
4 Improperly stored magnetic media degrades , tapes stretch , signals are destroyed by contact with magnetic fields , and even optical media can be damaged through poor storage or breakdown of the dye-layer on the disk .
5 The strike call drew only a modest response , with an estimated 6,000 stopping work instead of the 60,000 projected by the Sandinista media ( whose radio station Radio Primerísima was destroyed by dynamite on Sept. 30 ) .
6 , Finnish forests on the border with the Soviet Union are being destroyed by sulphur pollution from antiquated smelting plants in the Kola peninsula .
7 Fish are unable to spawn as their breeding grounds are buried or destroyed by sand banks created by the dredgers , whose operations render water undrinkable as far as 60 km downstream .
8 I saw a people half destroyed by plague .
9 Prof Lacey 's main concern , BSE , however is not destroyed by cooking and present lack of knowledge about Creutzfeld-Jakob disease is not reassuring .
10 Raw produce retains the vitamins and minerals destroyed by cooking and food processing .
11 In the case of triazophos , the pesticide was normally found only in the top centimetre of the carrot and would be destroyed by cooking .
12 Beyond the wall there was nothing but the wildwood , a tangle of small oaks and patchy flowers , not yet destroyed by winter .
13 Molecular hydrogen is rather fragile ( in interstellar terms ) , and is destroyed by shock waves with velocities greater than about 50 km s -1 and can not exist behind the leading shock .
14 This point Marx made much more explicitly in Capital , Book ‘ [ 378–9 ] : ‘ The simplicity of the productive organism in these self-sufficient communities — which continually reproduce their kind , and , if destroyed by chance , reconstruct themselves in the same locality and under the same name — this simplicity unlocks for us the mystery of the unchangeableness of Asiatic society , which contrasts so strongly with the perpetual dissolutions and reconstructions of Asiatic states . ’
15 Tomorrow night we move away from the Chilean coast and travel 13,500ft up into the Bolivian Andes , where Oxfam is helping the indigenous Indian people who are struggling to make a living now that their mines have closed down and their farmland been destroyed by drought .
16 ‘ Right-offs should really be totally destroyed by insurance companies , but a lot of them end being bought for repair . ’
17 An example of this can be seen in the upper part of the Hauptdolomit in Schoonebeek-447 , where the porosity has been completely destroyed by vadose compaction and the sonic log as a typically serrated character ( Fig. 18 ) .
18 The home ought to be a safe haven , the place where people go to get away from fear and violence , and it is this fundamental feeling of safety which can be destroyed by child sexual abuse .
19 These include : The few remaining brown bears in the forests of the French Pyrenees , whose habitat is being destroyed by road and dam projects , the Spanish Imperial eagle , great bustard and lynx which are threatened by dams and irrigation schemes on the Duero and Tajo Rivers , and the rare Dalmatian pelican , put at risk by Greek fish-farming projects .
20 The first such purpose is to show how capitalism and its institutions have been produced by history and how it will therefore be destroyed by history .
21 We further argued that this mass withdrawal of support from men had to happen quickly if the world were not to be destroyed by pollution or holocaust .
22 These natural habitats are being rapidly destroyed by pollution .
23 Almost all the coral which once surrounded Japan 's southern islands has been destroyed by pollution caused by soil erosion , and rising sea temperatures threaten to kill the world 's remaining blue coral .
24 This balance , for which he had worked hard and long , he allowed to be destroyed by overreaction to the relatively minor financial crisis of August 1931 .
25 Many buildings along the road were burning fiercely and , as he counted 12 dead Germans around the house just destroyed by mortar fire , Colonel Durnford-Slater encouraged the men to run through the flames by leading the way .
26 In 1741–7 a new church was built but it was destroyed by earthquake in 1748 .
27 Such a corporation has a trading character , which may be destroyed by libel .
28 ‘ ( Wo ) man is not destroyed by suffering .
29 In the case of Appalachia , thousands of hectares have been destroyed by strip ( open-cast ) coal mining , and by the flooding , loss of agricultural land , soil erosion and pollution of fresh water supplies which had resulted from this wholesale desecration and the subsequent failure to attempt proper reclamation .
30 Ultimately , when the chemical reaction is completed , the pattern is destroyed by diffusion .
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