Example sentences of "send you the " in BNC.

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1 Tomorrow or the day after I will send you the merchandise [ that was the way Modi always referred to his paintings ] .
2 I shall send you the literature by return .
3 Do n't miss out — subscribe to Hairflair today and we 'll send you the magazine every month before it 's in the shops !
4 Items can be sent to my home address by the second week in September , this will give me time to price and size them , a major job as I discovered last time and I will send you the figure of money raised by the end of October .
5 As a simple product of British schools I am amazed that the following rather obvious point has not been grasped in America or Botswana : if you put a school address or your age , they do n't send you the booze .
6 If it is in an issue less than two years old , we 'll probably send you the whole issue as a back number .
7 We 'll send you the book PLUS your free gifts .
8 Then approximately every two months we 'll send you the free QPD Review with hundreds of quality titles to choose from throughout the year .
9 Can you put your surname and address , so I can send you the minutes after this .
10 A question I would ask is that given the product which you had in June and the fact that presumably you have to take what goes , presumably the fact that they do n't send you the strongest stuff erm are you surprised that the figures were down in view of the quality of what you had , or are you surprised it might not have been worse ?
11 Send me our brothers , then refuel the plane , and then I will send you the passengers . ’
12 Refuel the plane and send us the other brother , and we will send you the other passengers .
13 In looking back at my records I notice that I did not send you the enclosed form which I have now completed .
14 Well they used to send you , th they used to get the returns from your employer and then they 'd send you the demand note in , so then
15 ‘ I 'll send you the tailor 's bill . ’
16 If you fancy your chances , contact Carolyn Andrews at the public affairs department who will send you the necessary registration forms .
17 You do n't have to make a commitment now : just complete and return the Application , and we 'll send you the book to see and try out before making up your mind .
18 I 've got to add some graphics to the draft of my leaflet , but could I send you the draft when it 's ready , and you could improve it perhaps , and then get it printed ?
19 I 'll send you the cash . ’
20 Did they send you the Walkman as well ?
21 Mind you I think if you sent it without any postage and packaging charges I 'm pretty sure that they would er , they would send you the goods because they would n't want to loose a good customer .
22 Did they send you the microphone as well ?
23 as high as that get it me and we 'll send you the money straight down w in fact we 'd be down for it .
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