Example sentences of "lived in the " in BNC.

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1 It also contained her unconscious valedictory : As a Catholic observer who has lived in the Third World for nearly 30 years , I have followed developments in the Church , at times with despair but mostly with optimism .
2 All the findings of opinion polls and other surveys suggested that the overwhelming majority of ordinary citizens were convinced that the period of their nation 's history through which they had lived in the forty-odd years since the end of the war in 1945 , was a time of comfort and content .
3 Rose was anxious , feeling that he had lived in the stone house with too much responsibility for too long .
4 Mr John Bevan , prosecuting , had said that the Johnsons had lived in the house for many years but feared fire and burglars .
5 People who are blind can not judge the colour of light , people who are totally deaf can not assess the wonder of a Mendelssohn sonata , and people whose whole experience of life has been lived in the darkness of materialism can not fully appreciate the holiness and perfection of God who dwells in light unapproachable .
6 We 've lived in the city all our lives and we do n't want to be buried in the country , however nice the house .
7 In order to be authentic it has to be lived in the wider context of the real world in which religious women make their vows , informed both by the relationship they enjoy with the God who calls them and the real live people God gives them to love .
8 I 've lived in the East End all my life ; there is a certain look here , especially for young Black girls , and I like it , it 's very comfortable .
9 Assuming she has lived in the house for her whole period of ownership and has never nominated elsewhere as main residence there is no question of a CGT liability when she sells .
10 Grubb , who has lived in the United States for some years , was brought into the British team that finished second in the Los Angeles Olympics , and will be coming to Britain hoping to make the Barcelona team .
11 SIR — I have now lived in the same place through nine general elections without once seeing , let alone being accosted by , a parliamentary candidate .
12 We know little , after all , of the present and much even of the most mundane existences is lived in the imagination .
13 She said the woman had lived in the house for about nine years and the man for about two .
14 ‘ I have lived in the country all my life .
15 The first ones seem to have lived in the sea , but by the Silurian the jawless ( Agnathan ) fish were a prominent component of fresh- and brackish-water sites in many areas of the world , and continued to diversify into the Devonian period .
16 They occur in many other lakes and rivers in Africa , but have never lived in the present Victoria ( though they did live in a prehistoric lake on the same site ) .
17 Trent had owned and lived in the cottage as Patrick Mahoney , and Patrick Mahoney was dead .
18 Even in the second set , where memories were specifically pressed , one third of the grandparents who were remembered had at some time lived in the same household .
19 Marcia had lived in the jungle for nine years .
20 As he thought this he felt in his heart a voiceless nameless twinge , like a tiny spark , which he chose to identify as a signal , which very rarely came through , from his ancestors who had lived in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw .
21 Although he has lived in the UK since 1969 , Zarei was born in Iran and is often listed as Iranian , but he is officially a British athlete , and won an England vest when competing in the Milton Keynes 24-hour Championships in 1989 .
22 By this time , Joan had married Edward Young , an architect in Lulling known to the Bassetts since childhood , and the young couple had lived in the house ever since .
23 Milton has lived in the same stable all the time he has been with the Whitakers .
24 During the fifties ignorance about Black people was rife : I remember being asked on many occasions , as a child , if I had lived in the jungle , if my parents ate cat food or even people .
25 ‘ I have lived in the district for a long time and regard myself as a ‘ local ’ . ’
26 I had lived in the midst of the Amazons without knowing it .
27 What if Dr. Bach had lived in the desert and not in Oxfordshire with its lush fields and hedgerows .
28 One gentleman goes each day for a drink in the pub , and one of the ladies wanders around seeing people who she knows , because she 's lived in the village all her life .
29 During the 30 years I have lived in the US , as a student and university teacher , I have never seen the large carbuncles and boils described by Robert Mandeville ( ’ The natural history of boils ’ , 20 January , p164 ) , although they were common during my school days and army service in England from 1944 to 1952 and I suffered from them myself on three occasions .
30 Europe has lived in the shadow of Soviet SS-4 and SS-5 missiles since the early 1960s .
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