Example sentences of "lived [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Lancastrian , Henry Tudor , when he heard of what had happened , gathered a force in France and landed in Wales — where he had lived for part of his life — and he opposed Richard III , who was killed in battle in 1485 .
2 This insight of Peter was to be short lived for Jesus began to teach them that his Messiahship was one of suffering .
3 Ted has always lived for others .
4 This is how monarchs and their families have lived for generations , without ever questioning that it should be so .
5 Houses where families have lived for generations are left as blackened , shattered skeletons .
6 I had a chillingly clear picture of its abominable face : it had so many wrinkles and boils it looked as if it had lived for centuries .
7 Among the mountains around the lake , Kurdish tribes , in their distinctive and spectacular garb , lived as their ancestors had lived for centuries .
8 He insisted that the United States would have to learn to live as other nations had lived for centuries — namely by co-existing with powerful rivals under the protection offered by the balance of power .
9 Though he had lived for weeks for this hour he now felt a wild surge of resentment towards McQuaid as he came into his own house .
10 Charles will still sit on the throne and Diana , with whom he will not have lived for years , will be crowned beside him .
11 She could have lived for years .
12 The friendship that had lived between Sarah and myself was over .
13 Signs of the Pol Pot regime were evident everywhere , both physically , in the devastation of cities and countryside , and emotionally , in the memories of people who have lived through agony that is beyond human understanding :
14 They 've lived through history and know so much , which they 're certain to pass on to the rest of us .
15 But I reckon they 've probably lived like brothers from a young age .
16 He had lived outwith Scotland for only 5 years but during that time he had travelled further by land and had seen a greater number of interesting places than most people do in a lifetime .
17 The people who were lived behind Ann there 's a yo young couple in there I think he beat her up , I mean that I wanted to go round me , because I know what it felt like and I wished somebody had come and help me .
18 There had long been resistance to making him a saint due to his open contempt for Christian domestic morality ( he had lived with concubines after the death of his last wife ) .
19 Since about 1890 he had lived with Lela Marie ( christened Elizabeth Mary ) King , daughter of horse-dealer John Blackburn Davis , and her two sons , who adopted his name .
20 THERE 'S little point in speculating as to who could have lived with England in this sort of form .
21 Fighting back tears , Ms Elizabeth Broadhurst , 28 , who had lived with Sgt Michael Newman , 34 , of the Royal Signals , for five years , said she felt ‘ very angry ’ about his killers and wanted them caught .
22 He had lived with miracles and wonderments all his life , ever since his uncle had told him something about the family 's history and the eternal presence of Seth in their lives .
23 The Sunderland manager has lived with speculation over his job since signing a one-year contract at the end of last season .
24 Miss Harrison has lived with Sheila and Godfrey Hutchinson for four years .
25 Before moving into it the family had lived with Sally 's grandparents and it had been very cramped .
26 Lived with clutter for thirty years ; I intend to die with it , too . "
27 I think Liz has written six full-length manuscripts and , and has just lived with rejection sh , slips .
28 Joyce Strand , 50 , of Prince Regent Street , Leith , said she had lived with Mr Buckley for about five years before his death .
29 Now 34 and divorced , she has lived with Geoff for three years and is n't contemplating marriage again .
30 I have lived with thieves in Manchester .
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