Example sentences of "admitted [prep] hospital " in BNC.

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1 50,000 children are admitted into hospital each year because they have been drinking harmful products .
2 My baby had to remain at the nursing home , as I had no one to look after him , and he was not admitted into hospital because of whooping-cough in the nursery there .
3 We then telephoned for an ambulance , got her admitted into hospital , and finally wrote a letter of admittance as well — both as a formality , and as a way of stating the patient 's medical history , and the findings of the doctor after an examination .
4 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
5 Joanna had dislocated her hip and was admitted to hospital .
6 At least three people were admitted to hospital .
7 Suicidal , admitted to hospital .
8 My mental health has deteriorated to such an extent that I had to be admitted to hospital and am currently on sedation .
9 ( In fact , as will be seen later , a number of them were admitted to hospital during the last twelve months of their lives and some died in hospital . )
10 There were similar differences when people dying of respiratory disease and of cerebrovascular accident were considered separately : the proportions admitted to hospital were 25 per cent and 47 per cent of those in a residential home for a year or more , 76 per cent and 89 per cent of others among the two causes of death groups respectively .
11 That man was admitted to hospital after his fall and died there within a week without regaining consciousness .
12 Two days before the concert was due to take place , Marr was admitted to hospital and , although his injuries were minor , was fitted with a neck brace .
13 Following a stroke , the patient may be kept at home , rather than being admitted to hospital .
14 Head-injured patients are normally admitted to hospital and kept there until it is certain that they are fully fit to return home .
15 If the patient was not admitted to hospital , or was discharged without having learned to wash himself properly , the community nurse attends to help him to wash , and to teach him and his carers how he can help himself .
16 She was admitted to hospital and the baby was induced because the doctors feared both Esther and the baby were in danger .
17 £40 per day , tax-free , as soon as you 're admitted to hospital for a period of up to one year .
18 A : NatWest Insurance Services has negotiated with Sun Alliance to bring the Hospital Income Plan to NatWest Bank Customers — with the specially added benefit of double cover if you 're admitted to hospital as the result of an accident .
19 Additionally , if you have received treatment or advice for a medical condition during the 2 years before taking up the Hospital Income Plan , your cover for the condition commences after you have been insured for 24 months or if you are admitted to hospital for that condition during this period then as soon after the 24 months as you have been free of in-patient treatment for 12 months .
20 If you were admitted to hospital and your employers stopped paying your full salary , you could end up relying on Statutory Sick Pay and trying to manage on £52.10* per week — which may well not be enough to even begin to cover your household overheads .
21 Withdrawing support , or not putting in support , was of course sometimes straightforward ( for example the clients ' residential place came up , he or she became physically ill and was admitted to hospital , existing support at home was adequate ) .
22 The two sets of carers who were not content with the institutionalisation decision were : the male friend of a single woman who said it had been a pleasure to visit her daily and help look after her ; after five months she was admitted to hospital under a guardianship order because she was felt to be at risk .
23 In the other case , two neighbours were helping to care for an 88-year-old single woman ; service-providers were not happy with this care and were suspicious about the neighbours ' management of the woman 's finances , so she was also admitted to hospital under a guardianship order .
24 Second was the husband of Mrs Chapple ; Mrs Chapple had just been admitted to hospital and seemed unlikely to return home :
25 Most human beings are conservative and dislike change , particularly enforced change as when a patient is admitted to hospital .
26 Many patients have the highest praise for the effectiveness of communication with hospital staff but there is also , undoubtedly , a lot of criticism , and it is useful to outline some of the problems which can arise when a patient is admitted to hospital .
27 A 57-year-old man , who had been forced to retire from work because of chronic ill health , was admitted to hospital having made severe lacerations of his neck with a knife .
28 One such patient , a man of low intelligence , aged 39 , was admitted to hospital after almost completely removing one of his testicles with a razor blade .
29 Thus , patients were not always being admitted to hospital and , when admitted , had not always been referred to a psychiatrist .
30 During seven years of illness she had been admitted to hospital 13 times , often compulsorily during episodes of violent behaviour when she was a danger both to her children and herself .
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