Example sentences of "allowed himself [art] " in BNC.

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1 Though he allowed himself no fewer than four books ( She , Ayesha , She and Allan and Wisdom 's Daughter ) in which to analyse this character , he never seems to have decided exactly what she was meant to represent or how far she was intended to be a symbol of the ‘ world 's desire ’ .
2 Matthew , though , allowed himself no respite from his black crippling grief ; he kept it close , deep inside him .
3 Dougal allowed himself no frills , like misspellings or too much information .
4 Gaily allowed himself a smile .
5 Briant allowed himself a small sigh of irritation .
6 The Feldwebel bounced up and down with laughter so that his hat fell off the back of his head and even the officer allowed himself a smile .
7 He slammed the phone down and allowed himself a small smile .
8 He allowed himself a smile .
9 And Judge Lawrence Verney allowed himself a wry little smile .
10 The second time I 've sat like this , he thought , and allowed himself a wry smile .
11 He allowed himself a little smile , which vanished from his face when he felt the car slowing , and glimpsed through the misted window the place the facilitator had brought him to .
12 Forester allowed himself a novelist 's licence in The Hornblower Companion , where admirably executed maps with concise accompanying comment helped to establish the factual background of his stones .
13 He allowed himself a faint smile of satisfaction then slipped the five-dollar note under Rosie 's glass and left the bar .
14 Connor allowed himself a crooked smile .
15 He upended each of them in turn and allowed himself a grim little smile of satisfaction when a squirming scorpion tumbled from one of them .
16 Forester allowed himself a quiet groan of relief .
17 Swod allowed himself a quarter smile at her recognition but his body was so unused to this display of emotion that he began to cough .
18 He allowed himself a slight smile .
19 Rincewind allowed himself a moment 's sadness .
20 He allowed himself a small , tight smile as she clenched her teeth and remained staring him full in the face , determined not to give him the satisfaction of accepting his subtle invitation to check his statement .
21 He allowed himself a faint , impersonal smile , then he stood up .
22 Luke allowed himself a small smile then gave a brief nod in Merrill 's direction .
23 Then Gina began to laugh , looking at the absurdity of it all , and he was startled for a moment , then allowed himself a cautious smile which spread until they were both shaking with relief , an incongruous couple with Gina bulky in Hugh 's shabby old jacket , and Arthur in a brand-new sheepskin coat over his suit .
24 Once we were inside the car , Quiggers allowed himself a full-blooded sneer .
25 Doogie allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction as Shifty-Eyes hit the road , then he turned and grabbed Pointy-Beard 's tie .
26 With raised eyebrows and the adoption of that cool , emotionless glance he had bestowed on her before , Marc allowed himself a brief , telling scrutiny of her face , then , apparently satisfied with what he read in it , pushed open the door and led the way inside .
27 He allowed himself a small satisfied smile .
28 He told students at Edinburgh University that no changes were planned but allowed himself a get-out clause by stressing that he would not be tied to any position until the Government 's conclusions on the industry had been agreed .
29 Sergeant Bramble allowed himself the luxury of a fleeting smile .
30 In that year Coenwulf allowed himself the luxury of the elaborate royal style rector et imperator Merciorum regni ( CS 289 : S 153 ) , ‘ the first time a western ruler had called himself ‘ emperor ’ in an official record since the Roman Empire ’ .
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