Example sentences of "reaching a decision " in BNC.

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1 The tribunal will look at the explanation for the employer 's behaviour before reaching a decision .
2 Both the selection panel and the governing body must consider the CEO 's advice before reaching a decision .
3 Everyone in the family should be involved in reaching a decision about.the care of an elderly relative , and that includes the elderly person concerned .
4 The first is to anticipate the claim and then to keep a detailed record of events and information which will be useful when reaching a decision .
5 Reaching a decision
6 After my uncle 's death in April 1976 he visited Wyvis Hall on perhaps two , or at the most three , separate occasions simply for the purpose of looking it over and reaching a decision about the disposal of furniture and effects .
7 Where replies were ambiguous or lacking in detail further information was requested before reaching a decision : in some cases this was supplemented by material obtained from elsewhere .
8 But the pope was in the same position as everyone else in having no clear procedure for reaching a decision .
9 Since these are questions of fact a decision-maker would have to make a full contextual analysis before reaching a decision .
10 Among the factors which they are required to take into account in reaching a decision are the seriousness of the offence , and whether their own powers of punishment would be adequate if the defendant were to be convicted ( section 19 , Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 ) .
11 If and in so far as there are any presumptions which assist in my conclusions ( and I instinctively dislike introducing presumptions in reaching a decision of fact as crucial as this ) , the presumption that a state of affairs continues until the evidence suggests that it no longer pertains is more to the point than the submission of Mr. Levy that the sanctity of life is so vital an interest to protect that if I am in any doubt that should take precedence .
12 This is by no means to say that the patient is not entitled to receive and indeed invite advice and assistance from others in reaching a decision , particularly from members of the family .
13 The classic origin of the requirement to hear a party alleged to be in default before reaching a decision is in Cooper v. Wandsworth Board of Works ( 1863 ) 14 C.B.N.S. 180 .
14 Whichever method is used , certain factors have to be taken into account by the valuer in reaching a decision as to a realistic estimate of site value , such as : Economic factors State of national economy Availability of finance for developer and purchaser Interest rates Supply and demand in locality ( need for accurate market research ) Demographic changes Local employment conditions Proximity and availability of schools , shops , etc .
15 I expect the Scottish Transport Group , before reaching a decision on assistance , to see what it could do to encourage any separate teams to come together to mount a single bid .
16 In exercising their discretion whether to permit such representation , tribunals should take the following facts into account : the seriousness of the charge or penalty ; whether any points of law are likely to arise ; the capacity of a person to present his own case ; procedural difficulties ; the need for speed in reaching a decision ; and the need for fairness as between the individual and the officers concerned .
17 Reaching a decision , she stood up , groaning as she caught sight of her own rumpled state in the mirror .
18 And you know that may hamper you in really reaching a decision about erm the real nature of the relationship they 've got with the child .
19 I shall take careful account of all aspects of the application before reaching a decision .
20 I think that it would be best to listen to what it has to say before reaching a decision .
21 Before reaching a decision on an application it is often necessary for the planning authority to consult a number of interested parties including the Ministry of Agriculture , the Forestry Commission , the regional water authority , and perhaps the Countryside Commission the Nature Conservancy Council ( NCC ) and the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission ( HBMC ) .
22 TV chiefs are no nearer reaching a decision on the future of ITN 's News At Ten , despite a meeting of all 15 independent television station heads yesterday .
23 TV chiefs are no nearer reaching a decision on the future of ITN 's News At Ten , despite a meeting of all 15 independent television station heads yesterday .
24 He was speaking in shorthand in a sense and made it very clear that Scottish circumstances would be taken fully into account , and that I will be reaching a decision in due course . ’
25 After substantial delays in reaching a decision on the refitting competition , Jonathon Aitken , the defence procurement minister , announced this week that the MoD hoped to announce the outcome as soon as possible after the Easter parliamentary recess finishes in early April .
26 County treasurer Tim Heald warned that every week 's delay in reaching a decision cost the council £18,000 .
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