Example sentences of "[modal v] be lodge with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the defendant has served his comments , the schedule should be lodged with the court , so that the trial judge can , before the hearing starts , get a clear picture of which of the issues raised in the case are agreed and which disputed and why from the pleadings , the experts ' reports and the schedule .
2 Whether strictly order twenty eight , er order sixty , rule twenty eight for erm applies in this case is not amount entirely clear to me because the obligation to lodge a bill of taxation under rule twenty nine provides that he must begin proceedings for the taxation either within three months after the judgement direction or order of the terminations enter sides are otherwise perfected , and that is presently on it 's face which seemed to be debited May of nineteen ninety three and er accordingly that is right , it 's not in fact been any failure to comply with order tw order sixty two , rule twenty nine , one , and that has n't been disregarded , it 's not entirely clear to me that erm there is any matter come from paragraph sub paragraph A of rule twenty eight , four , it may already require , still nevertheless erm fall within paragraph B of rule fo , erm there has in fact been a delay in lodging the bill of costs for taxation , the delay being really and truly , the delay in having the order of Mr Justice perfected and it seems to me that although in chasing matters generally speaking it is the court will itself draw the order , nevertheless where er it seems to be clearly in this case would contemplate it that counsel would sign a minute erm that counsel do sign a minute and that minute has been signed having forwarded by the defendants solicitors to the defendants solicitors seems to me it must be the case that erm the obligation to , as it were , forward that minute to the court , it is an obligation which would lie upon the plaintiffs solicitors and it maybe said that erm there has been delay and erm on the best it should be lodged with the court sealed , er shortly after it was received and that therefore on that footing there has been delay lodging the bill of costs for concession , er Mr , doctor does n't seemed to be take any point in relation to that er because it 's not in his interest to do so , it seems to be that he does have to say if it has been delayed , with an order of twenty eight rule four that 's a rule , rule , rule twenty eight er four if he is to have interest disbarred and er Mr er he 'll apparently have the matter of read before the taxing master , it seems that the taxing master did not chew any sympathy with that er suggestion , that er there was in fact no breach of the requirement rule twenty , four , Mr he said , very probably , that erm , look on text upon it , he really is concerned to erm have this case dealt with as you put it on the merits , it seems to me it 's in the interest of all parties that erm I should deal with the case on merits have on the assumption erm that er , that that was lodged properly I think , I ca I , a matter of which found within rule twenty eight , four and that the taxing officer give our interest under that rule .
3 Where in registered land a new covenant is given by the wife to the building society a certified copy of the transfer containing the covenant should be lodged with the deeds so that the building society has a proper record there of the wife 's liability , the transfer incorporating the covenant itself being retained at the Land Registry .
4 ( 4 ) A copy of any circular sent by the board of the offeree company to its shareholders in connection with the tender offer must be lodged with the Panel at the same time as it is posted .
5 On the other hand , defensive circulars do not have to comply with the Code 's information and content requirements and do not have to contain a responsibility statement which gives the target company 's board greater latitude ( although , of course , it should avoid negligent or misleading statements and defamatory remarks and copies of its circulars must be lodged with the Panel ) .
6 Instruments appointing proxies must be lodged with the company 's registrars not less than forty-eight hours before the time fixed for the meeting .
7 A copy must be lodged with the Quotations Department and the Panel at the same time as it is posted to shareholders .
8 In England and Wales a claim must be lodged with the Police authority within 14 days of the incident being declared a riot .
9 I , would suggest that a deposit of , say , £2 might be lodged with the notice of appeal which could be returned to the appellant immediately after the hearing .
10 Mr Irons said yesterday that the petition raising the action would be lodged with the Court of Session by the end of next week .
11 10. ( 1 ) An application to a licensing board of any kind mentioned in subsection ( 6 ) below in respect of any premises shall be in such form as may be prescribed , shall be completed and signed by the applicant or his agent , and shall be lodged with the clerk of the licensing within whose area the premises are situated not later than five weeks before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered .
12 ( 2 ) An appeal under this section shall be lodged with the sheriff clerk within 14 days from the date of the decision appealed against or in a case where reasons for a decision have been given under section 18(2) of this Act , within 14 days from the date of receipt of those reasons , which shall be presumed to have been received on the day after the date on which they were posted , except that in the case of reasons posted on a Friday or Saturday , they shall be presumed to have been received on the Monday next following .
13 It is also possible to discuss arrangements with the funeral directors in advance — requests will be lodged with the company .
14 Formal complaints will be lodged with the Food Minister where we deem it necessary . ’
15 A full documentation of each file will be prepared and the data will be lodged with the ESRC Survey Archive .
16 The Land Registry will return the original transfer so that it can be lodged with the adjudication section of the Stamp Office within the thirty-day lodging period .
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