Example sentences of "[modal v] be reconciled [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How this might be reconciled with the terms of the Maastricht text goes beyond the scope of this article , but it gives rise to the thought that it might even be legitimate for the Community ( given the political will ) to legislate in this area using the general power of Article 235 of the EEC Treaty , which allows the Council , in the absence of more specific powers , to enact legislation which is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Community .
2 This problem would not arise with the assumption of average cost pricing but other , potentially more intractable problems would then have to be tackled , in particular how such behaviour could be reconciled with the idea that firms are profit maximizing organizations .
3 The argument that the principle of democracy could be reconciled with the fact of size through the device of representation was not original to Mill .
4 No doubt there will be some who dismiss such utterances as hypocritical , asking how such views can be reconciled with the way Mr Chatrier , as President of the French Tennis Federation , worked so hard to provide Paris , in what was already a crowded autumn calendar , with what at the time was the richest official indoor tournament , other than The Masters , in terms of prize money .
5 The vast body of experimental data which has been accumulated in support of SR can be reconciled with the SEP by making the inference , as Einstein did , that physics in free fall must be consistent with SR .
6 A control ( or total ) account of all costs arising for a defined period ( day , week or month ) can be reconciled with the postings to the individual cost records for each project to ensure that the figures are balanced .
7 A third set of dilemmas revolves around the question of how greater consumer choice can be reconciled with the need for controls over the total growth of services to prevent an expenditure explosion .
8 He said that he did not wish to block the legal process , however , and asked the government to find " a legal solution in which the need of the good functioning of parliamentary democracy can be reconciled with the right of the King not to act in violation of his conscience " .
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