Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] incorporated into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 er is this fair ? , was it Mr idea that it should be incorporated into the brochure or somebody elses ?
2 He asked for approval for having inaugurated the competition , but then said that if time would allow it , the War Office should be incorporated into the Downing Street scheme , particularly as the Pall Mall site was too small .
3 Each of the component parts of the restriction should be incorporated into the agreement in such a way that any provision which the court might feel goes beyond the bounds of reasonableness can be severed under the " blue pencil test " leaving the bulk of the desired restriction in full force .
4 ( a ) Incorporation The first requirement for an exclusion clause to be effective at common law is that the clause must be incorporated into the contract .
5 A degree of flexibility must be incorporated into the system .
6 This has one most significant aspect in that soil conservation is not singled out as a specific and separate problem to be solved by a particular policy — it is conceived of as normal practice and must be incorporated into the business of improving incomes for farmers .
7 In this simple model the Phillips curve assumes a role analogous to that of the budget constraint in traditional price theory : it is the ineluctable constraint which must be incorporated into the maximization procedure .
8 Further hypotheses might be considered ; for example , the effect of slope could be incorporated into the model by assigning different probabilities to each of the directions of flow .
9 A shock-absorbing layer may be incorporated into the midsole , or a wedge of similar material used to cushion the base of the heel against the impact of hard ground .
10 These other changes ( in levels of funding , the growing role of the Training Agency , and the enterprise culture as it affects higher education , for example ) will be incorporated into the discussion .
11 ( b ) Drafting for acceptance In many cases where standard terms are used , they will be incorporated into the contract without ever being considered by either party ; they may be " accepted " , in law , by the client 's trading partner without the partner ever reading them , let alone considering and consciously agreeing to them .
12 3 Draft Notes for use which will be incorporated into the documentation for the Program .
13 Although input will now obviously be curtailed by the absence of the crews in London and the students on vacation , any good ideas arising will be incorporated into the plan for presentation to the Annual General Meeting in November .
14 However , in the absence of a further aggregate demand shock , the realization in period t+ 1 that the money stock is now higher than previously will be incorporated into the information set 1 , which is used to predict .
15 For me , a key test will be how far the social provisions can be incorporated into the Maastricht agreement .
16 If available , tropical bulb-fibre can be incorporated into the medium .
17 A main feature of this tool is the ease with which levels of information can be incorporated into the document and unfolded if desired ( Figure 4 ) .
18 For optimum performance in key sections of code , in-line CPL assembly code statements can be incorporated into the C program ; BuildNet costs $3,000 , a development kit with CNAPS-C and CodeNet costs $4,500 .
19 For optimum performance in key sections of code , in-line CPL assembly code statements can be incorporated into the C program ; BuildNet costs $3,000 , a development kit with CNAPS-C and CodeNet costs $4,500 .
20 This can be incorporated into the merger agreement , with effect for the first two or three years after the merger .
21 If , by the morning after , there is no reaction to the food , then it can be incorporated into the diet , and testing begun on a new food .
22 In other words , whilst analysing documents , other information , such as that gained from interviews , can be incorporated into the model .
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