Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] magistrates ' " in BNC.

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1 Even this reduced sentence exceeds , by a considerable margin , the maximum penalty which could have been imposed in a magistrates ' court ( which is where the majority of burglars of this type would normally be tried ) .
2 An application for a warrant should be made to a magistrates ' court unless there are public law proceedings pending in the county court or the High Court ( APO , art 3(3) ) .
3 The Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division , which exercises a supervisory capacity over the inferior courts and sits as a court to which an appeal ‘ by way of case stated ’ may be made from the Magistrates ' Court , is bound by the House of Lords , the Court of Appeal and its own previous decisions .
4 Since the maximum term of imprisonment which might be imposed in the Magistrates ' court for a single offence is six months , the Act effectively took out of the hands of the magistrates the power to impose sentences of immediate imprisonment on the majority of offenders who had not previously been sentenced to imprisonment or borstal training .
5 Conditions on the granting of bail may be imposed by the magistrates ' court on defendants against whom charges are pending .
6 Such an order can be sought from a magistrates ' court on evidence that a representative sample is unsafe and the authority does not need to secure a conviction in this respect .
7 Public law proceedings must be commenced in a magistrates ' court unless there are already public law proceedings pending in a county court or the High Court or the application is made by a local authority following a s37 direction to investigate made in family proceedings in either court ( see Chapter 3 , 1(b) ) .
8 If her answers were unsatisfactory , their report would be taken to a magistrates ' court the next morning and a petition for her " reception order " drawn up and signed by two people — preferably near relatives or representatives of the family .
9 On the following day the appellant would have to be taken before the magistrates ' court : section 46 .
10 In this chapter we will chiefly be concerned with three of the most crucial sets of decisions for which the courts are responsible : remand decisions ( whether accused persons are freed on bail or remanded in custody ) ; jurisdiction decisions ( whether they are tried in the magistrates ' court or committed for trial in the Crown Court ) ; and sentencing decisions .
11 It seems likely that the files of cases which had ‘ no further action ’ or were cautioned would be returned to the police quickly , so we inferred that those cases not followed-up had been tried in the magistrates ' courts .
12 ( a ) Public law proceedings Article 3 of the APO ensures that public law proceedings are commenced in the magistrates ' court unless it is appropriate to consolidate with existing proceedings elsewhere .
13 A prime example this year has been the committee 's extensive concern with the prospect of standard fees being introduced in the magistrates ' courts , with the risks which that will bring to the most junior members of the profession .
14 A total of 135 cases were observed in the magistrates ' courts : 46 Blacks ; 7 Asians ; and 82 Whites .
15 About half of the Blacks and Whites were tried in the magistrates ' courts and one-fifth of the Asians ( see Table 3 ) .
16 They were convicted in the magistrates ' court , but appealed successfully to the Divisional Court on the ground that the question whether their obstruction had been reasonable had not been adequately considered .
17 Adult offenders who are convicted in the magistrates ' courts will normally be sentenced by a bench of lay ( meaning unpaid , and largely untrained ) magistrates , though in some of the larger conurbations lay benches are supplemented by full-time professional magistrates known as stipendiaries , who sit alone .
18 This applies whether an application for an emergency protection order is heard in a magistrates ' court , county court or High Court .
19 ( 2 ) Regulations shall provide that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by a magistrates ' court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Crown Court and that a legal or other representative against whom action is taken by the Crown Court under subsection ( 1 ) may appeal to the Court of Appeal .
20 It can direct that the application be re-heard by a magistrates ' court or it can make an order itself which will then be treated as an order of the magistrates ' court for the purposes of enforcement and variation ( s94(9) ) .
21 On that date , he appeared with the duty solicitor and an application was made under the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s. 142 to re-open the case so that it could be heard by different justices .
22 The appellant failed to comply with the rules of the hostel , on one occasion leaving without permission , and was brought before the magistrates ' court who returned him to the hostel .
23 He thereafter committed a large number of summary offences and two either way offences , of which he was convicted by a magistrates ' court .
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