Example sentences of "[conj] presents [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Part 1 is a weekend course of illustrated lectures and a practical pool session that presents a broad-based introduction to the subject .
2 Santiago ( or James ) Island is one of the larger uninhabited islands , and presents a major challenge to the conservationists .
3 At seventy-five feet , the Bodnant specimen is one of the two tallest in Britain and presents a splendid sight with its dark conical habit and spire-like crown .
4 WWF , which gave evidence to the Committee along with other conservation organisations , believes the proposed Directive is desperately needed and presents a golden opportunity for Chris Patten , the new Secretary of State , to take a really positive step for the environment .
5 However , what is perceived as the belligerent , aggressive , lively , gregarious character of the Afro-Caribbean pupil , can not be easily ignored by the teachers , and presents a constant reminder of the nature of the school .
6 If a defendant can post bail and presents no physical threat to the community , he should be allowed to await trial at home .
7 For me , it is still offensive and presents an amazing contradiction of the lyrics being accompanied , which stress non-violence and anti-materialism .
8 Viscount Churchill , CCLA 's investment manager , agrees that fund managers are making a little too much of the opportunities available , but presents a strong case for the common investment funds : ‘ They have one great advantage — they can declare dividends gross .
9 It intrudes on the isolation of the scene and reduces the Tagus flow but presents an interesting contrast in engineering achievement , ancient and modern ( 167 ) .
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