Example sentences of "[adv] be attributed to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The need for such periodic major reports can perhaps be attributed to the structures of authority and seniority in the professions , which seem to necessitate periodic revolution rather than the research-led rolling evolution which is more typical of ‘ academic ’ subjects .
2 Bjornsson went on to study the newspapers of 11 countries , and found substantial differences , which he argued could not be attributed to the idiosyncrasies of the languages .
3 The general absence of deep weathering mantles in many regions of low relief in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere can probably be attributed to the effects of glacial scouring during the repeated ice-sheet advances of the Pleistocene .
4 The difficulties can not plausibly be attributed to the compilers , who would hardly have confined themselves almost exclusively to interfering with the text of Scaevola .
5 But these can not yet be attributed to the activities of an individual mosaicist — although they might well indicate the predilictions of an influential client or close- knit group of clients — and are still most significant when viewed over considerable periods of time .
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