Example sentences of "move forward [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But these did not move forward at this stage , although they were as close to the Yair as were the Scots .
2 As we go into the south we are just going to conduct a rent reduction , interest reduction campaign and we , we will then aim to consolidate that position and at some stage we will then move forward into land reform again , but to do that we will probably need a new land law because we 're recognizing the old agrarian land law is , is inappropriate , absolute egalitarianism is now dead in a sense of as erm it 's sort of saying that , that as Mao is arguing in May forty eight , May forty eight that absolute egalitarianism is wrong .
3 The proposals themselves were generally positive and paved the way for community-based nursing to really move forward as a cohesive and dynamic force , but the fact remains that significant concerns have been raised , and the organisations and individuals concerned should at least have an explanation as to why these concerns can not be acted upon , if that is indeed the case .
4 With a string of achievements already to his credit , including the development of such diverse destinations as Dallan in China and Rostov-on-Don in Russia , the former chief executive of the Greater Glasgow Tourist Board hopes to see Derry move forward as a ‘ unified community capable of competing with the best in Europe ’ .
5 We have some hard thinking to do and we must move forward with a positive and radical agenda . ’
6 When waves break it has been observed that a jet of water at the crest of the wave may move forward with twice the velocity of the wave as a whole , so that high pressures may be exerted for a period of a second or two on the cliff face .
7 Whatever kind of music we are writing , we must move forward with the most essential factor ( usually melody ) for at least an adequate distance before turning back to consider the rest .
8 " As a community of democracies , we can only move forward with the support of our citizens .
9 Conference , with unemployment on the increase and trade union membership on the decline , trade unions must move forward with wider appeal , with a new concept of unionism for the future .
10 In many ways the Council of Europe was little more than a continuation of the traditional format of cooperation , transcribed to a bigger stage , and could not itself move forward to a supranational or federalist future .
11 I have little doubt , however , that , despite Britain 's reservations , our partners will move forward to economic and monetary union , and to the creation of a single currency .
12 In this way we can move forward to true international solidarity with our comrades within South Africa .
13 I noted the point , erm I think to some extent we probably can now move forward to H two , in in a proper sense , but I 'll ask Mr Davis er A if he wishes to give some reaction to the last few comments er and then your lead in to H two .
14 Yes erm it was obvious because if he 's already told the man he 's going to move forward , to handcuff him erm he will not move forward to a person with his gun er in his hand .
15 Right , can we please move forward to the vote on this item .
16 But as you say changing the means to the end , I E you go for the industrialization first and once you 've got that you can then move forward to collectivization .
17 I am confident that we shall move forward from this Council to greater co-operation between the planets and thus to mutual gain . ’
18 The Chancellor could not have been more clear as to how , in his view , matters would move forward from the basis of a currency union .
19 I am trying , within the context of the debate , to identify how we can move forward from the 1990s to the 21st century , the problems that we as a nation will have to face , our relationship with Europe and how we can learn from the nations that we have said are the best , such as Germany , and develop a sound strategic regional policy .
20 Sekers Fabrics has been revitalised and will now move forward from its breakeven position of the past year to acceptable profits anticipated in the year ahead . ’
21 ‘ Our existing policies not only remain unchanged after the Peking incident , we will move forward in pushing forward the economic reform and open door policy . ’
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