Example sentences of "unusual to find [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is actually rather unusual to find a complete trilobite as a fossil — usually they are in pieces .
2 Indeed it is unusual to find a fresh case of genital herpes in someone who has a history of cold sores , although it does occur in some cases .
3 It would appear , from more recent studies , that food additives are important in a great many children with hyperkinetic syndrome , but that it is unusual to find a child for whom additives are the sole problem .
4 It is unusual to find a large deposit containing pottery the whole of which can be grouped into a narrow date bracket , and the most obvious examples on occupation sites are caused by the destruction of a building which has pottery in it , in store or in use at the time .
5 There are at least ten or a dozen different principal textures , but it would be unusual to find a large number of them used in the same piece .
6 Another point to consider is that , these days , it 's very unusual to find a commercial program , especially for Windows , that comes on one disk — some take up eleven or more !
7 It may be difficult deciding when sentences of this kind come to an end — in some cases , several dozen clauses might be linked by and or other devices , lasting several minutes — but , it is unusual to find a problem understanding what is being said .
8 In passing , it is interesting to note that the General Orders require explicitly that the grounds of objection be ‘ distinctly stated ’ ; notwithstanding this , it is most unusual to find a petition which does not say that the petitioner objects to the order ‘ for the reasons , amongst others , hereinafter stated ’ , and it is very common for the petition to end with a statement to the effect that there are divers other provisions of the Bill to which objection is taken .
9 This is consistent with the principles enunciated by Lord Morris in Esso ( see p 1 above ) although it is unusual to find a specific reference to the doctrine in this context .
10 It is very unusual to find a tone-unit boundary at a place where the only grammatical boundary is between words .
11 It 's very unusual to find a senior civil servant in France who ca n't speak either good English or good German or both , and it does make communications a lot easier .
12 It is not unusual to find the mobile forms of worm , such as polychaetes , swarming in large aggregations to breed , which is a good means of ensuring a high proportion of fertilized eggs .
13 This is usually done by a guillotine that cuts back a bundle of a dozen or so plants at a time , and it is not unusual to find the cut ends chopped and bruised rather roughly .
14 ‘ It would n't be unusual to find the staff — or at least some members — active participants .
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