Example sentences of "close enough to " in BNC.

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1 The local television station made much of the rivalry between these two , but , in the event , Prost never got close enough to even suggest the onset of further controversy .
2 It was my view that float fishing would not be a good idea anyhow , for I did not know of any big bream swims close enough to the bank for a float cast .
3 ‘ Concerning the day-to-day running of the proposed development , I am unconvinced that the poultry units would be situated close enough to nearby houses to cause unacceptable nuisance to people living there , from excessive smell or noise .
4 Another roundshot went close enough to Sharpe to sound like a sudden harsh whip-cracking wind .
5 A thin , stoop-shouldered Frenchman wearing a pince-nez who had been watching and listening from the curbside , stepped into the road suddenly and leaned close enough to Chuck for the American boy to smell the garlic on his breath .
6 Her bare flesh came close enough to his face for him to inhale its pungent female odour and he peered around desperately into the gloom for some sign of his French companion .
7 He forced it close enough to the edge to allow the Toyota to creep past on the inside .
8 At some stage in her sleep of exhaustion she drifted close enough to the surface of consciousness to be aware of a deep voice exclaiming over her , of strong arms that lifted and carried her , but in no way could she fight her way up from the smothering blanket of physical and mental fatigue .
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