Example sentences of "[prep] nothing less [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It supplied him with nothing less than the key to a fresh overall grasp of theology which was able to cope with the most serious challenges proffered in the previous century .
2 Ultimately , Acts offers a more or less reliable historical account of Paul 's dispute with the Nazarean Party , which would culminate in nothing less than the creation of an entirely new religion .
3 Derrida , Foucault , Kristeva , Lacan , Barthes : just reeling off their names is ( as Auden said in a very different context ) ever so comfy , since it safely defers the issues at hand to nothing less than a transcendent signified : in short , to a star .
4 The alchemist 's work amounted to nothing less than the redemption of the physical world .
5 This amounts to nothing less than the extension of the nomenklatura system to intrabloc relations .
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