Example sentences of "[prep] [art] past [det] days [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The drama of the past few days in Kabul has highlighted the two central problems of modern Afghanistan : one is the difficulty of finding a balance between the dominant Pathans and the array of other ethnic groups , Tajiks , Uzbeks , Hazaras and others who occupy the northern and western parts of the country ; the other is the tension between modernising élites in Kabul and the largely tribal rural population .
2 Can the party really survive much more of the rancour that has broken out in the past few days over Labour 's tax policy ?
3 So it is that recent Soros-inspired gold-price rises have been matched in the past few days by increases in bond yields ( ie , falls in bond prices ) .
4 A spokesman said there had been several raids on homes in the past few days by sneak thieves .
5 One of its themes will have to be the confusion in our morality that the epidemic has exposed , and this has been much in evidence in the past few days in response to the ludicrous concert in commemoration of Freddie Mercury , and then the renewal of the controversial theory that Aids may not be linked to HIV at all , but instead , to cite one example , to promiscuous sexual activity that reputedly attacks the immune system .
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