Example sentences of "[verb] not bode [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 You will gather I mean it caught me unawares , and in fact it disturbed me that having a bit of a wobbly on something as simple as this did not bode well for the Devil 's Ridge , which The Munros book described as a section where ‘ some may welcome the security of a rope ’ .
2 The situation did not bode well for the rest of the week — a particularly difficult one in the gruelling programme .
3 This petulant and bureaucratic state of mind did not bode well for the conduct of a battle that was now plainly imminent .
4 It added dryly that heavy discounting by Texas Home Care in Scotland did not bode well for the sector , and included a range of profit downgrades — from previous forecasts of between £108m and £118m down to between £100m and £110m for this year , and between £110m and £125m for next year .
5 For a couple to be arguing so early in their relationship did not bode well for the future .
6 ‘ Which do you think , Egbert ? ’ she enquired dolefully , uncomfortably aware that the draught coming in the window did not bode well for the foulard .
7 While there are instances of seemingly unnecessarily high pricing , some at least probably arise more from inefficiencies than from exploitation — which of course does not bode well for the long-term survival of those establishments .
8 In this respect , it does not bode well for the USSR that decisions pertaining to technology imports and decisions pertaining to economic reform have moved along independent tracks .
9 Apple 's own effort does not bode well for the clutch of Macintosh-on-Unix houses like Echo Logic Inc , Xcelerated Systems Inc and Quorum Software Systems Inc .
10 Hick , could be available still to play for Zimbabwe , but it does not bode well for the development of cricket in Zimbabwe itself , and I would agree with those who hoped that perhaps Zimbabwe could have been readmitted as part of South African cricket in their domestic competitions .
11 These are probably in the region of half a million pounds at the moment , which does not bode well for the company which may be trying to raise half a million pounds of equity .
12 An important product , Retardmac , is coming under increasing pressure due to the Government 's desire for permanent re-instatement of roads after patching and this does not bode well for the long-term future of the product .
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