Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] human [noun pl] organization " in BNC.

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1 Independent reports , supported by evidence collected by the human rights organization Amnesty International , said that several dozen students were massacred .
2 The President 's special adviser on international affairs , Bradman Weerakoon , had promised on Dec. 12 that the government would consider recent recommendations made by the human rights organization Amnesty International , including extending the investigations of a presidential commission on the disappeared and publishing its final report .
3 A report issued by the human rights organization Amnesty International in early February claimed continuing abuses of human rights in East Timor ( annexed by Indonesia in 1975 ) .
4 Advertisements were placed in the International Herald Tribune , the Washington Post and the New York Times at the end of January , purporting to announce that several well-known figures were withdrawing their support from a campaign backed by the human rights organization Amnesty International for the release from prison of Mohammed al-Fassi .
5 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Feb. 20 accused the Moroccan authorities of engaging in the " systematic torture and ill-treatment of people held in police custody " , particularly in Casablanca .
6 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on May 9 urged the government to investigate allegations of the arbitrary arrest , detention , unfair trial and torture of hundreds of political dissidents .
7 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on June 26 said that nearly 400 political prisoners , mostly Islamic fundamentalists , had been imprisoned in Libya between January 1989 and April 1990 .
8 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on July 30 condemned the treatment of Palestinian detainees by the Israeli security forces .
9 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Aug. 21 contained further claims that hundreds of people had been killed while under detention between November 1990 and March 1991 [ for April report see p. 38135 ] .
10 A report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Nov. 6 called on the Djibouti government to end the arbitrary detention of members of the opposition .
11 A report published by the human rights organization by Amnesty International on April 7 accused the regime of President Gen. Gnassingbe Eyadema of human rights abuses in the period prior to the reduction of his powers by the national conference in 1991 [ see p. 38379 ] .
12 The Minister of Public Order Theodore Anagnostopoulos repudiated allegations of human rights abuses contained in a report published by the human rights organization Amnesty International on June 23 .
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