Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] [adj] rivers [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The weir will be the second of its kind on the river and was designed by the National Rivers Authority to keep gravel spawning beds clear of silt .
2 They were being addressed by the National Rivers Authority environmental quality manager , Mr Malcolm Colley .
3 The tests done by the National Rivers Authority are different from those that we are doing .
4 The 90 box , bat ’ estate ’ was built by the National Rivers Authority at Shifford Lock in Oxfordshire .
5 The number of water pollution incidents in England and Wales rose by 4 per cent in 1992 to a total of 23,331 , according to official statistics produced by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) .
6 A report 's been commissioned by the National Rivers Authority and carried out by a group of local councils .
7 But despite the company 's own long-running antipollution programme the final lever to a clean River Tees looks like being what the company calls the ‘ very tough targets ’ set by the National Rivers Authority .
8 Although difficult to meet , the consent limits set by the National Rivers Authority are consistent with ICI ; s plans to cut discharges by half by 1995 but call into question the viability of some Teesside plants .
9 The second prosecution was brought by the National Rivers Authority after a mistake had caused chemicals to overflow from a storage tank , leading to a concentration of copper in the works discharge pipe of more than 17 times the legal limit .
10 The scheme proposed by the National Rivers Authority is designed to prevent flooding caused by a repeat of the 1947 event .
11 The increases have been introduced as part of the " polluter pays " principle and are intended to cover the costs incurred by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) in controlling water pollution .
12 A warning was issued by the National Rivers Authority in Shrewsbury that the swollen River Severn was expected to burst its banks overnight for the second time in a week .
13 If necessary flood warnings will be issued by the National Rivers Authority and police will try to warn residents using local radio , television and loud hailer vans touring risk areas .
14 Altogether 63 waters containing toxic algal blooms were identified by the National Rivers Authority , 37 of them in Anglian Region and 10 in the South West .
15 This proposed setting up ‘ nitrate sensitive areas ’ ( NSAs ) in which sources are at or over 50 mg/litre , to be identified by the National Rivers Authority .
16 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
17 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
18 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
19 She 's looked at the results of samples taken by the National Rivers Authority from a mineshaft and other sites on land owned by Watkins engineering , of Sling , near Coleford .
20 To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on the condition of Britain 's rivers following the 1990 river quality survey conducted by the National Rivers Authority .
21 The increased fines are likely to be in evidence shortly as a result of prosecutions planned by the National Rivers Authority of all 10 privatized water and sewage companies .
22 These pits have been dug by the national rivers authority .
23 Evidence collected by a new computer-controlled water monitoring and sampling device developed by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has been used for the first time to prosecute a company for polluting a waterway .
24 Instead of all the new controls being policed by the National Rivers Authority some of the responsibility was being handed over to Her Majesty 's Inpsector of Pollution , with decisions being taken by the Department of Environment .
25 An investigation was immediately launched by the National Rivers Authority following a tip-off from a member of the public .
26 A study of bathing beaches in England and Wales conducted by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has shown that they are getting cleaner .
27 The competition is being staged by the National Rivers Authority on Saturday , February 29 , on the north bank of the Tees between The Holmes and the A66 road bridge near Stockton .
28 The association 's concerns have been backed by the National Rivers Authority who said in a letter : ‘ The site and building is on the flood plane of the River Eden and the flooding of the area and the building can not be discounted . ’
29 The project to encourage the otter is being backed by the National Rivers Authority , which is helping to pay for the artificial holt :
30 A report published by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) warns that toxins produced by blue-green algae could prove a hazard to human health should water become contaminated .
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