Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a relatively short time " in BNC.

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1 Because the recommendations in our Report have been prepared in a relatively short time , some changes will almost certainly prove necessary in the light of experience .
2 ‘ We certainly surprised a lot of people and I think we may even have surprised ourselves by the progress we had made in a relatively short time . ’
3 The second item of research was that undertaken by Morrison and MacIntyre ( 1969 , also quoted in Georgiades and Phillimore , 1975 ) who had found that ‘ changes in sensitivity towards pupil/ teacher relationships developed during initial training were reversed as a result of full time teaching within a relatively short time ’ .
4 It proved to be a surprisingly accurate account of what in the event did happen , and is outlined here to illustrate the way in which , in one corner of Oxfordshire , changes which had been argued over for a decade could be effected in a relatively short time .
5 Whatever their purpose , the turntable , loop and building were probably removed within a relatively short time , for in the years following its opening the BCR could not afford to keep anything that it did not need .
6 The vogue of the Klan lasted for a relatively short time , but at its height , it may have had five million members .
7 Laboratory experiments can only last for a relatively short time , and have to be held within the confines of the laboratory .
8 Mr Murray explained that the aim would be that loans should be repaid within a relatively short time .
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