Example sentences of "[noun] account for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Equally depression of prostaglandin synthesis , by diminishing pain perception , could at least in part account for the high proportion of NSAID associated ulcers that are silent .
2 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
3 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
4 There would then be no minority interest figure in the profit and loss account for the current year , since the minority interest will also have been a debit balance last year end .
5 Whereas a comprehensive secondary school might offer some 30 subjects for all its pupils , and about a dozen subjects account for the great majority of A levels , the curriculum explodes in higher education , part of a post-school explosion even greater when one takes into account the vast number of technical and vocational courses that exist in non-advanced further education .
6 Final selection of the project , approval of the project for inclusion in the capital budget , setting of project implementation controls and post-audit review account for the remaining stages of the project cycle are covered in detail in chapter 5 .
7 Until the FRC and its cohorts have made substantial progress in imposing uniformity in accounting matters , the profession will continue to be criticised because companies account for the same things in different ways .
8 The force of cohesion and tension in this column account for the upward rise of the water .
9 It also seems Auxetophones account for the large numbers of records made by both candidates for the American Presidential Election of 1908 , which were recorded by Victor , the Gramophone Company 's American partner .
10 The Gaboon viper of Africa : its large venom glands account for the distorted arrow shape of its head .
11 For instance , personality variations account for the wide range of reactions towards a salesperson .
12 The Gold Ninety Account is a very high interest ninety day notice account for the longer term investor .
13 Since the patients in Newcombe and Ratcliff 's study sustained penetrating missile wounds of the brain whereas those of Hécaen and Sauguet suffered from naturally occurring lesions it is possible that aetiological differences account for the discrepant findings .
14 Three major causes account for the ensuing periods of upheaval which culminated in the establishment of a less formal relationship between the press and the political parties in the late 20th century :
15 Teachers ' salaries account for the largest proportion of education spending in all types of school , though this varies from around 70% in primary and secondary schools to 59% in special schools .
16 It is , of course , possible that factors specific to both economies account for the same movement .
17 Rumours of this purpose account for the early popularity of the French ; they had come to support the ‘ Desired One ’ .
18 ( a ) 25% to 50% of library users use the catalogue ; ( b ) students account for the greatest proportion of the user population ; ( c ) the catalogue is used predominantly for known-item searching and use increases with users ' educational level ; ( d ) public library users do more subject searching than academic library users .
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