Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] far [conj] possible [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I do not wish in any way to take away anything from David Scott-Cowper 's incredible achievement but I do feel that one should ensure as far as possible that reports are written correctly .
2 In this case too , by maximizing their caring role , males ensure as far as possible that their young are ‘ got off ’ successfully .
3 Thus if the variable status holds the value REPLAY , the users ' actions will be interpreted as far as possible as involving the recall of a trail .
4 Educators must attempt to encourage NCC to accept their ideas and ideals , and to encourage NCC to insist as far as possible that SEAC follows their lead .
5 He had been a scholarship boy himself , and he wished to ensure as far as possible that families without financial resources should be enabled to send their boys to the School .
6 Secondly , in the Fearon case it was not the right to exercise an economic activity which was conditional on the shareholders ' satisfying the residence requirement , but merely immunity from compulsory acquisition measures adopted under legislation governing the ownership of rural land designed to ensure as far as possible that the land belonged to those who worked it .
7 ‘ But in exercising discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention , I have to balance my findings as to the interests of the children and the detriment which I am satisfied would befall them were I to order their return , against the fundamental purpose of the Convention which is to ensure as far as possible that children wrongfully removed from the place of their habitual residence are returned there as soon as possible …
8 ‘ in exercising discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention , I have to balance my findings as to the interests of the children and the detriment which I am satisfied would befall them were I to order their return , against the fundamental purpose of the Convention which is to ensure as far as possible that children wrongfully removed from the place of their habitual residence are returned there as soon as possible , and the fact that the Australian court has already been seized with their welfare in the context of the divorce proceedings .
9 Residents should be able to live as far as possible as they would in a home of their own .
10 Before the brigade of receptionists change shift they must ensure that all work has been processed as far as possible and that any messages or matters to be dealt with are brought to the attention of the evening shift .
11 Think ahead , prepare as far as possible and then justifiably feel you have done your best .
12 All board work should be planned as far as possible when preparing the lesson , e.g.
13 In each case , the solution involves balancing the competing claims of each subprocess , thereby ensuring as far as possible that each subprocess is allowed to contribute to the overall interpretation task as fully as it is able to , while not being forced to make decisions for which it , on its own , has insufficient evidence .
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