Example sentences of "[noun] at the [num ord] general election " in BNC.

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1 They should be standing here now as the party of high taxation , and saying sorry to the people of Wiltshire for supporting Kenneth Clarke and his team , for supporting John Major and his team , and they should be saying sorry for the part that we pa played in lying to the electorate at the last general election .
2 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
3 He sat in the 1835–7 Parliament as member for Harwich and assistant whip , losing his seat at the next general election .
4 He failed to find a seat at the next general election , but came in for the family borough a few weeks later , and acted as teller against his patron 's impeachment .
5 During his visit Mr Kinnock attacked the Government for its policies on housing , and predicted that the local Conservative MP would lose his seat at the next general election .
6 Julian Davidson , 30 , unmarried , and a consultant in design , printing and advertising , was selected from a short-list of three , which included a former Treasury minister , John Maples , who lost his Lewisham West seat at the last general election .
7 As for national health service resources , the hon. Gentleman will know of the very large real-terms increases that have been made — in excess , in fact , of the real-terms increases promised by the Opposition at the last general election .
8 A Liberal Democrat surge at the next general election could not conceivably net more than 34 MPs .
9 And they know they 'll have to unite behind the new one if they 're to be a force at the next General Election .
10 It will have a similar connotation when people discover what drops through their letter boxes if they are foolish enough to vote Conservative at the next general election .
11 This year 's production number was of particular interest and significance because the Conservative high command is planning to make leadership a key issue at the next general election , only two years away .
12 In the debate in the House of Commons on 26 June 1991 , the Foreign Secretary ruled out the question of a referendum ( which needs a separate Act of Parliament ) and , if , therefore , the question was to be deferred to a future parliament , the amendments agreed at Maastricht in December 1991 could become an issue at the next general election .
13 to a lot of A G Ms recently and this topic is coming up at most and one feels that it almost may become an issue at the next general election .
14 It is , however , something that he will be given by Conservative Members and I am sure that he will want to make the most of it before — sadly — he retires from our midst at the next general election .
15 Senior Conservative MPs have already protested about the move and called on the Government to foot the £650m bill or risk losing key marginal seats at the next general election .
16 In my view it is clear that the party is very much in search of a leader , very anxious , if it is to make an adequate showing at the next general election , over the fact that it needs a symbol of more meaning to the mass electorate than Mr Attlee .
17 There are skinheads who will vote Conservative , Labour , Communist and SDP at the next General Election .
18 He truly will be known as the Prime Minister of evictions , unemployment and bankruptcies and that is why , as soon as the people get the chance at the next general election , they will stop him .
19 It was generally believed that they were proposing to seek an electoral pact with the Conservatives , so as to ensure that they would hold their seats against what was expected to be a Conservative landslide at the next general election .
20 Sir : Labour does not need a commitment to proportional representation in order to scoop most of the centre ground at the next general election .
21 There were few predictions of a Tory victory at the next general election and even some concern that the country might topple over into serious civil strife .
22 It is a programme for victory at the next general election and one which the people will support .
23 ( 9 ) When this party has selected the prospective parliamentary candidate , section ( 3 ) of this clause shall be applicable only when section ( 8 ) applies or , having received a written request from the General Committee of this party for permission to reconsider the selection of the prospective parliamentary candidate , the National Executive Committee has decided that in its opinion there are changed circumstances relating to the prospective parliamentary candidate since his or her selection , and has given authority to this party to convene a special meeting of the General Committee in accordance with regulations sanctioned by the National Executive Committee to consider a resolution that the prospective candidate selected previously shall not be the candidate at the next general election .
24 The search is on for a Conservative candidate to succeed the black barrister involved in a race row at the last general election .
25 When ( Labour ) tries to define a programme capable of rallying the masses at the next general election , it falls back , not on a specifically socialist programme , but on the old programme that half a century ago had been that of bourgeois liberalism in England .
26 At a minimum , Solidarity is expected to present more than one list to the voters at the next general election — if it has not already formally split by then .
27 Those leaving the Cabinet , besides Thatcher , were Cecil Parkinson , who indicated that he intended to retire from Parliament at the next general election , and Lord Belstead who was appointed to a non-Cabinet post .
28 Now the point about this measure is how will the Secretary of State for home affairs , respond to this proposal because this is a re-run , this ten minute ruled bill , of the bill that I introduced last year under the private members bill procedure in which the er junior minister that is currently at the despatch box , said that he accepted the principals of seeking to achieve full registration but felt that the measure itself was premature , premature in that the Home Office were investigating er numbers and matters concerned with the electoral registration and electoral provision , arising from experience at the last general election but I think it was beginning to be accepted that the poll tax had had a serious impact upon the electoral register although there were many other er elements that provided great difficulty .
29 But the executive also turned its collective mind to the task of responding to a resolution at the conference which had been sponsored by the Preston Trades Council , drawing attention to the deficiencies of the party in facing a general election , and asking that the machinery should be improved so that the party might ‘ make a determined bid for a Labour majority at the next General Election ’ .
30 His memorandum , delivered on 9 January 1939 , repeated previous arguments and drew attention to the weakness of the Labour League of Youth and the difficulty of gaining a majority at the next General Election .
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