Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] occurred [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So far , change has occurred without the chaotic excesses , random U-turns and destructive instability that have characterised communism 's demise in some other former Eastern Bloc states .
2 The one at lowest energy shows a progression in an increased O-O stretching frequency , showing that ionization has occurred from an anti-bonding orbital .
3 Indeed it may be a symbolic irony that the implementation of the NHS and Community Care Act has occurred in the European Year of Older People .
4 No charge code data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
5 No DC Assessment data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
6 No DC Data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
7 No DC Details data has been deleted because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
8 No module data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
9 No module details data has been deleted because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
10 No module details data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
11 No module location data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
12 No charge code data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
13 No module specification and relation data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
14 No process model data has been deleted because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
15 No process model data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
16 No process model data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
17 No special relation data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
18 No user data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
19 No user details data has been deleted because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
20 No user details data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
21 No user name data has been transferred because a fatal error has occurred in a previous area of LIFESPAN RDBI .
22 At 22h AEL ( shown here ) , EJC amplitude indicates increased gluR synthesis has occurred at the aberrant NMJ as in later stages of normal synaptogenesis .
23 Intriguingly , such an inversion has occurred during the recent evolution of human chromosome 2 , being present in the chimpanzee precursor chromosome , but not in the related chromosomes of gorilla and orangutan ( 51 ) .
24 The ideal model for intervention after a threatening event has occurred to a vulnerable person is that suggested by Parkes ( 1980 ) in his recommendations for bereavement counselling .
25 In addition , the size of the bands indicates that at least one copy of the construct has been integrated into the interrupted beta-tubulin gene at the 3' end of the tubulin locus ( 7.4kb fragment ) , and that a second integration event has occurred at a PstI site within an intact beta-tubulin gene ( 5.8 kb band ) .
26 If a neutral event has occurred within a certain time of an already important event , if it was of a certain category and if another of the same category had not been interposed between it and the important event , then that event itself acquires significance for the animal .
27 Periodic volcanism has occurred on the Kaapvaal craton in southern Africa since the Archaean era , and each episode will have modified the composition of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle in which the magmas were generated or through which they passed , or in other words caused mantle metasomatism .
28 Rural depopulation has occurred in the past century and a half , and will continue in the future , because of declining employment opportunities in the countryside .
29 While no radical shift in the distribution of the British people at the macro-regional scale has occurred during the present century , the settlement pattern has displayed a dynamism that has proved difficult to forecast .
30 Simultaneously with the preparation of the new housing benefit scheme , the Government began operating a policy of significantly increasing the level of council house rents , and a threefold increase has occurred in the nine years since 1979 ( House of Commons Library Note , 19 July 1988 ) .
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