Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [prep] the nearest " in BNC.

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1 She then felt a choking sensation with increasing wheeze , tightness , and cough and rushed to the nearest accident and emergency department .
2 While he talked to a girl , she would sit at the bar and talk to the nearest man .
3 After quenching her desire to see and experience new things , she was going to ask her boss for a transfer and move to the nearest city , where the office had its headquarters .
4 Quigley ( 1979 ) adds to this a tendency to interpret noun phrases as connecting to the nearest verb phrase , producing misinterpretation and limiting the range of written sentences .
5 With a rush of glee , he lifted a fallen machete and swung at the nearest Secte Rouge , biting deep into his side .
6 The , finally remembering all that I had been told , I capsized myself and grabbed onto the canoe and paddle and headed for the nearest bank .
7 But which of us , locked behind a desk or in a queue at the supermarket check-out , has not had an overwhelming desire to drop everything , run into the street , hail a passing cab and make for the nearest airport to catch a plane to anywhere ?
8 NOTES 1 The area sizes listed have been derived from preferred dimensions and rounded to the nearest m2 for convenience .
9 When seeking old routes ‘ by eye ’ rather than with the aid of a map , I have often found it useful to stand in the middle of an old bridge and look towards the nearest hills .
10 ‘ If I feel the situation warrants it , I can arrange to get him lifted off by helicopter and flown to the nearest civilian hospital .
11 Less than two minutes after becoming Mrs Tim Laurence , she stood beside him on the steps of Crathie Church , Balmoral and pointed to the nearest Range Rover .
12 Thwack — the ball soared into the air and dropped into the nearest empty hole .
13 And if you 're short of something to do , ’ he added , ‘ you could get on a bus and go into the nearest town .
14 He promptly turned off the by-pass and headed for the nearest hospital .
15 After breakfast John wanted to explore , so Nick drove Sara , Carla and peter into the nearest town .
16 I discarded my unfamiliar new slinky satin pyjamas for my familiar old sweater and jeans and headed for the nearest shops .
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