Example sentences of "closed [art] door " in BNC.

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1 She picked up the alarm clock , three large cushions and a blanket , went into the kitchen and closed the door firmly behind her .
2 Moran stood holding the edge of the door until the headlights disappeared and he closed the door without shutting the iron gate at the road or the small wooden gate leaning against the boxwood .
3 He closed the door softly behind him and was gone without another word .
4 Wexford closed the door and he heard Mrs Cullam say , ‘ Leave the bleeding cat alone , Barnabas . ’
5 Herr Nordern closed the door .
6 Herr Nordern brusquely waved Bodo into the bedroom and closed the door behind them .
7 ‘ Maybe it will be — yet ! ’ she laughed and , taking his hand , led him into a storeroom and closed the door .
8 She accompanied him out to the ambulance and closed the door behind him .
9 He nodded decisively , and equally firmly walked into her office and closed the door on Davidson 's hopeful face .
10 In some obscure way Thomas recognized ( in 1913 ) that his decision to become a writer at the age of sixteen closed the door on a career that would have pleased his father .
11 Lee stepped into the living-room and Philip closed the door .
12 He closed the door behind him and walked slowly down the corridor until he reached the top of the marble staircase , passing his own office and Pat Muldoon 's without wishing to take a last look .
13 ‘ Taking me little one down to the country to see her Nan , ’ she heard Gloria say , then the click-clack of the ticket-clipper before the man closed the door and they were alone again .
14 When I arrived , she urged me inside and closed the door , and I could see that she was breathless with fear .
15 She closed the door on Charles without having actually to bang it .
16 He closed the door again with a soft click , shutting out the room 's light and plunging the hallway back into blackness .
17 He crept into the kitchen and closed the door behind him , making sure its heavy curtain stretched right to the wall on either side .
18 By the time she reached the shorter flight of stairs on the half-landing , Frankie had retreated all the way to his room and closed the door behind him , leaving only the smallest gap through which he peered with one eye .
19 When he could smell her perfume and hear the soft rustle of her skirt , he closed the door fully and held his breath .
20 Gripping her in this coarse familiar fashion , he steered her into the room and closed the door with a gentle click behind him .
21 As she closed the door she glanced back .
22 Why , wondered Senator Rudman at the hearings , had he not taken North into his office and closed the door and put him up against the wall and pushed him and pushed him and pushed him ?
23 She banked up the fire and took a look round the room before she closed the door .
24 Brundle , running sixth on lap 29 , attempted to pass Alesi , but the Frenchman sharply ‘ closed the door ’ on the downward spiral from the first corner , and both cars span off .
25 WHEN Laurence Olivier died in 1989 , his family closed the door of the study and hid the key .
26 They closed the door behind them , leaving Gilly cold and alone .
27 I closed the door behind me and locked it .
28 The stranger closed the door and elbowed his way past the landlord .
29 There was a soft ‘ plop ’ and the blue light welled out of the mantle as he closed the door , deftly trapping the light inside .
30 Emily closed the door behind her and took her hat off , shaking her hair loose .
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