Example sentences of "elected to parliament " in BNC.

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1 Social background may not matter much now ( but until they publish the list we can not judge this for ourselves ) , but the 100 per cent increase in party professionals getting on the list and getting elected to Parliament between 1979 and 1987 can not , surely , be just coincidence ?
2 In 1866 , William Johnson of Ballykilbegs led a banned march , was sent to prison , and on his release was elected to Parliament by Protestant voters .
3 Hugh Gaitskell , an economics don and wartime civil servant who was elected to Parliament in 1945 and in six years rose from backbencher to Chancellor of the Exchequer , illustrates with his diary entry for 14 October 1947 ( when he was Minister of Fuel and Power ) just how little impact Attlee 's directive of a year before had had on the performance of individuals :
4 Ursula Oxley read from the memoirs of Henry Hunt who was born Wiltshire , was elected to parliament , and worked for the repeal of the corn laws .
5 How many Liberals were elected to Parliament in the 1970 General Election ?
6 What was the surname of the Tory mother and son who were both elected to Parliament in 1983 ?
7 She was elected to Parliament at the general election in April .
8 The initial decision at congress to enter the formal political arena was taken to defend the trading interests of cooperation against incursions by the state , and when sponsored candidates were elected to parliament they tended to work within the brief by monitoring legislation .
9 For although the Home Rule movement did for a time grow apace , with an ever increasing number of SNP candidates being elected to Parliament and , under the Callaghan administration , the old High School building on Calton Hill being refurbished to accommodate a Scottish debating-chamber ( the old one had become incorporated in the Law Courts ) , the idea of Home Rule made many of my countrymen uneasy ; less , I think , about financial disadvantages ( for oil revenue would have compensated for that ) than at the prospect of feuding between east and west , north and south , and , for some , the prospect of a semi-permanent Labour administration ; and when in 1979 a referendum of the whole Scottish nation was held , the votes in favour of Home Rule did not attain the clear 40 per cent majority on which the House of Commons had insisted .
10 Two obvious , and ultimately successful , candidates were cited above ; the first being the alleged right of those elected to Parliament to be paid for their services , and the second the claim that women had a moral right to vote .
11 He was elected to parliament last December as head of the Independent Citizens ' Party , standing in the Serb-ruled ( but Albanian-populated ) province of Kosovo .
12 This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party , whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament .
13 I declare the said person duly elected to Parliament .
14 The Labour Representation Committee was set up in 1899 to try to get more working men elected to Parliament .
15 It has been shown that about 100 of the 600 members elected to Parliament become involved in specific government jobs .
16 Elected to Parliament in 1885 , Wilson was able to bring pressure to bear on the Liberal Party , both for repeal and for a wider programme of moral reform and social disciplining .
17 He was elected to Parliament as member for Aylesbury in 1880 .
18 He was elected to Parliament for Pontefract in 1774 ; he supported Lord North 's government on the American war , and was in favour of granting further relief to Protestant dissenters .
19 Witty , ambitious and idealistic , his ambition was to be elected to Parliament , his dream to become Prime Minister .
20 Chaovalit would be the only member of the government not elected to parliament .
21 First elected to Parliament in 1946 , Averoff later served in various ministerial capacities most notably as Foreign Minister in 1956-63 , when he played a key role in reaching agreement on Cyprus 's independence in 1960 .
22 Tensions were raised on Jan. 26 when Achmet Sadiq , a leader of the Moslem minority who had been elected to Parliament in June 1989 but disqualified from the November election on procedural grounds , and another Moslem parliamentary candidate were found guilty of " inciting violence and dissension " and using the word " Turkish " in their campaign manifestos .
23 Both leaders were each sentenced to 18 months ' imprisonment and three years ' civil rights deprivation ( although an appeal court ordered Sadiq 's release immediately before the April election and he was again elected to Parliament — see p. 37388 ) .
24 In 1972 , at the age of 23 , he was elected to parliament .
25 John Major , 47 , after a successful career in banking , and briefly as a local councillor in the London borough of Lambeth , was elected to Parliament for Huntingdon in 1979 .
26 Two more Kurdish deputies who had been elected to parliament as members of the Social Democratic Populist Party ( SHP ) resigned from the party on May 29 , to continue as independents .
27 Eighteen of the 22 former HEP members elected to parliament in October 1991 joined the OZEP , leaving the SHP with 70 seats [ compared with 88 following the October general election — see also pp. 38739 ; 38873 ; 38930 ] .
28 He was elected to parliament as MP for Orkney and Shetland in 1950 , and led the Liberal Party from 1956 till 1967 .
29 The result represented a radical change in Liechtenstein politics since it was the first time in the principality 's history that a third party had been elected to parliament .
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