Example sentences of "replaced as minister " in BNC.

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1 From the time that General Marian Spychalski was replaced as Minister of National Defence in 1968 , the Army steadily lost its appeal as a vehicle for intrigue .
2 Alhassane Salif N'Diaye on Feb. 28 replaced as Minister of National , Secondary and Higher Education Balla Keita , who became a Minister-delegate to the Presidency , and on March 2 all schools and higher educational institutions were closed down .
3 David Mellor was appointed Minister of State at the Privy Council Office with responsibility for the arts ; Angela Rumbold took over his previous post of Minister of State at the Home Office and was replaced as Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science by Timothy Eggar .
4 Kang Bo Seong was replaced as Minister of Agriculture , Forestry and Fisheries by Cho Kyung Shik , formerly the Director of the Environment Agency .
5 Kwon Yong Gack was replaced as Minister of Construction by Lee Sang Hee who , as president of the Korean Land Development Corporation , was a technocrat and an irrigation expert .
6 Mamadon Cadi Cham was on June 5 replaced as Minister of Works and Communications by Matthew Yaya Baldeh .
7 In a reshuffle on July 14 , 1990 , Maj. Osvaldo Lopes da Silva was replaced as Minister of Transport , Trade and Tourism by Omar Lima , and Pires assumed the Defence portfolio from Maj. Julio de Carvalho , who was hitherto prominent in the party leadership .
8 Vere Bird Jr had his appointment as a minister revoked on May 10 and was replaced as Minister of Communications and Works by Eustace Cochrane ( hitherto a Minister without Portfolio ) .
9 On the same day Zheng Tuobin was replaced as Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade by one of his deputies , Li Lanqing , a former head of the Foreign Investment Department .
10 He was replaced as Minister of Equipment and Housing , Transport and the Sea by Louis Besson , hitherto Minister-Delegate of Housing .
11 Khalid bin Muhammad al-Anqari took over the hitherto vacant portfolio of Higher Education , and was replaced as Minister for Municipal and Rural Affairs by Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Hasan al-Shaikh .
12 Habib Boulares was replaced as Minister of Defence by Abdelaziz Ben Dhia , a lawyer and long-serving deputy of the ruling Constitutional Democratic Rally ( RCD ) .
13 Among those dismissed were Ram Hari Joshi who was replaced as Minister of Education and Culture by Govinda Raj Joshi ; five Ministers of State , for Commerce , Industry , Forests , Communications and Water Resources , were also replaced .
14 Mohammed Mousa was replaced as Minister of the Interior by Daouda Rabiou , but remained in the cabinet as Minister of Commerce , Transport and Tourism .
15 On April 27 , George Brizan , hitherto Finance Minister , was appointed Minster of Agriculture while retaining responsibility for Trade , Industry , Production and Energy ; Tillman Thomas became the new Finance Minster and was replaced as Minister of Works , Communications and Public Utilities by the former Agriculture Minister Phinsley St Louis .
16 Jean Brière de l'Isle was replaced as Minister of Public Health , Social Welfare and Women 's Promotion by Mohamed Ag Erfal , also Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts .
17 He was replaced as Minister of Education by Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba , hitherto secretary of state for education .
18 Lt.-Col. Charles Emile Mbayo was replaced as Minister of Transport , Communications and Tourism by Frank Kargbo , Lt. Julius Maada Bio relinquished responsibility for the Ministry of Information , Broadcasting and Culture to Oreh Awoonor-Renner , and Lt. Samuel Komba Kambo at the Ministry of Labour , Energy and Power was replaced by Alex R. E. Browne .
19 Maj.-Gen Larbi Belkheir was replaced as Minister of the Interior by Mohammed Hardi , a civilian .
20 The former FIS leader Said Guechi left the Cabinet , being replaced as Minister of Vocational Training by Djelloul Baghli .
21 In case anyone should be tempted to see this as a sign of weakness , the ultra-authoritarian Blas Pérez González was replaced as Minister of the Interior by the even more hardline Camilo Alonso Vega , former head of the Civil Guard and one of Franco 's oldest and closest friends from their days as soldiers in Africa .
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