Example sentences of "extricate [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 Having extricated himself from the Archbishop 's service Mozart , this time accompanied by his mother , set off in search of an appointment elsewhere .
2 Before she could comment he made the point that people did not switch off anger once they had extricated themselves from the risk of further suffering , especially not if they had leisure to reflect on injustice .
3 The debtor was prima facie in the wrong and the creditor in the right , and it was up to the former to extricate himself from the charge to which he had laid himself open .
4 She seemed to be pushing her enormous frame closer to his , as he tried to extricate himself from the small stuffy room which had begun to give him claustrophobia .
5 It is not known when Napoleon managed to extricate himself from this chaos .
6 In any case , he was eager to start work upon another play and was trying to extricate himself from various official duties in order to give himself room for composition : he resigned from the board of the Christian News Letter , for example , on the grounds of lack of time .
7 As Tolstoy himself concedes , in The Minister and the Massacres ( p 44 ) : Neither Gen Krasnov nor any other old emigre was seeking to extricate himself from sharing whatever fate attended those of their comrades who were in the equivocal position of being Soviet citizens .
8 ‘ Shit ! ’ screamed the driver as he tried to extricate himself from the situation .
9 He needed all his skill and tact if he was going to extricate himself from this situation and spend the night sleeping in his hotel bed , alone .
10 He struggled ineffectually to extricate himself from behind the wheel , but his maimed body had been pushed beyond its limits of endurance .
11 Baldwin , following the conclusion of certain pacts with Philip Augustus , sought to extricate himself from the possible threat of excommunication and interdict on his lands which he had accepted at the time of the agreement if certain conditions were not fulfilled .
12 In a fury of hatred and jealousy he thrashed his stick about Kemp 's head while Kemp himself tried to extricate himself from the twisted sheets , to get out of the bed , and to defend himself — but he did n't make it .
13 The unfair element is that the AFBD has been obliged to extricate itself from a CFTC hole largely dug by the Securities and Investments Board and imperfectly filled in by the Department of Trade and Industry .
14 The capitalist economy , while ensuring the continuance of the peasant sector , does not allow it to develop sufficiently to extricate itself from its subordinate role , for this would destroy its value for capitalism .
15 Climbing up a steep bank or trying to extricate itself from a mud hole is likely to produce squeals of distress from the infant and the adults nearby will rush over to see what is wrong .
16 Adeva needs to extricate herself from the hands of Smack Productions , hardly the dynamic force in garage music they once looked like they 'd become , in order to capitalise on what is still a growing surge of goodwill in America .
17 Gender factors are seen to be an integral part of mental illness in women and a woman 's limited resources are often a significant factor in her ability to extricate herself from oppressive , unsupportive environments .
18 As you gain strength , skill , and confidence you can take on more and more ; but if you start off overcommitted , it may be difficult to extricate yourself from an impossible mess .
19 You wo n't want to extricate yourself from a personal promise or commitment , but you will begin to feel tied down and wish you 'd never got involved in the first place .
20 There was drill to teach the men to extricate themselves from the several hazards that might be encountered , for the dangers of a night drop over woods or water were obvious .
21 As I seem to have missed any further pronouncements from this source on this topic , I would be very interested to hear if anyone can shed any light on any recent attempts that the Catholic Church may have made in order to extricate themselves from a presumably somewhat embarrassing position .
22 With cries of ‘ oi gevalt ’ and ‘ keender ! keender ! ’ from Mum and Dad and screams of fear from the girls , the three bodies eventually manage to extricate themselves from the floor .
23 Such a move could provide the mechanism for Digital Equipment Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp to extricate themselves from OSF 's seemingly doomed operating system effort which they have each supported to the tune of tens of millions of dollars .
24 Twice she made the kind of excuse that people made at cocktail parties when they wanted to extricate themselves from a conversation and move on to talk with another guest , but five minutes later he was back at her side again , bending closer and closer towards her so that she became unpleasantly aware of the stale , alcoholic aura of his breath .
25 Would they ever be able to extricate themselves from it without irreparable damage being done ?
26 In a busy life , it is easier to avoid embarrassment than to have to extricate oneself from it .
27 Commenting on the absence of any immediate offer of large-scale Western financial assistance , Gorbachev said that " we shall extricate ourselves from our difficulties , whether we have assistance or not " .
28 Secondly , he must extricate himself from his involvement with the deceased and search out new relationships as sources of rewarding interaction .
29 Presented with ( 32 ) , we therefore read it as a sequence of two events that occurred in that order : ( 32 ) Alfred went to the store and bought some whisky We now see how the semanticist armed with the notion of implicature can extricate himself from the dilemmas raised above in connection with examples ( 4 ) -(7) .
30 No movement , no luck With a silent curse he extricated himself from the first trap and moved on to the next
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