Example sentences of "rename [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Deputies voted to rename the Supreme Soviet the Uluk Kenesh , and on Dec. 9 accepted an Akayev amendment which described the President as head of state , and the Prime Minister as head of the executive .
2 If you ca n't get into the document at all , you will have to rename the previous version ( the one with the .
3 ‘ Perhaps we should rename the close Coronation Street or Brookside . ’
4 If you attempt to rename an open file , an " In use " error will be reported .
5 After months of discussion it was proposed on Oct. 10 that the Communist Party ( PCI ) , founded in 1921 , should be renamed the Democratic Party of the Left ( Partito Democratico della Sinistra — PDS ) .
6 On March 27 , 1991 , the Communist Party of Great Britain , which had voted at a congress on Dec. 9 , 1990 , to abandon the principles of Marxism-Leninism and the policy of democratic socialism , published a draft constitution for the party which was to be renamed the Democratic Left .
7 When all the paperwork has been done , the European Communities will be renamed the European Union .
8 The plan is to be renamed the Tropical Forestry Action Programme and will have the reformed objective of " conservation and sustainable development of forestry sources in the interests of the country concerned and the global community " .
9 The plan is to be renamed the Tropical Forestry Action Programme .
10 At the inauguration of the hall in 1955 , Rowicki 's orchestra was officially renamed the National Philharmonic .
11 The National Joint Council , which was renamed the National Council of Labour in 1934 , acquired a new constitution , whereby the General Council was allowed as many representatives as the other two organisations .
12 If the age of 65 + was adopted as the definition of geriatrics then the NHS should be renamed the National Geriatric Medicine Service .
13 In mid-June the executive council was renamed the ministerial council and 15 policy committees were set up .
14 It similarly exerted itself to establish working relationships with other international organisations , so much so that the Council of Europe became a kind of central clearing house for cooperation and coordination , with the Assembly ( renamed the Parliamentary Assembly in 1974 ) receiving and discussing annual reports from other European bodies , such as the European Community and the European Free Trade Association , from OECD , and from several UN agencies .
15 The PSD was renamed the Constitutional Democratic Rally-Rassemblement constitutionnel democratique-(RCD) in February 1988 .
16 The Forces Programme was renamed the Light Programme in 1945 , ‘ designed to appeal not so much to a certain class of listener — but to all listeners when they are in certain moods ’ ( BBC , 1946 , p. 53 ) .
17 The BCP supreme council , meeting on Feb. 23 , decided to hold a ballot of all party members in May on a proposal that the party should be renamed the Bulgarian Socialist Party .
18 In democratic elections held on June 10 and 17 , Bulgaria , alone among the countries of Eastern Europe , returned to power the former ruling party , the erstwhile Bulgarian Communist Party which had been renamed the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) on April 3 [ see pp. 37380-81 ] .
19 The BCP was renamed the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) on April 3 , 1990 .
20 The Czech Socialist Republic was similarly renamed the Czech Republic by the Czech National Council on March 6 .
21 On Aug. 24 the Sejm elected as Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki of Solidarity , and on Sept. 12 it endorsed his proposals for a new coalition Council of Ministers dominated by Solidarity but including members of the ZSL ( since renamed the Polish Peasants ' Party — PSL ) , SD and PUWP .
22 ( The various P-40 models were renamed a few times — the ‘ A , ‘ B and ‘ Cs were called the Tomahawk ; the ‘ D , ‘ E , ‘ F and ‘ Ks were known as the ‘ Kittyhawk ’ ; and the ‘ L , ‘ M and ‘ Ns were christened Warhawk ) .
23 Renaming it merely renames the original version .
24 Elections in February 1990 to the Supreme Soviet ( subsequently renamed the Supreme Council ) had resulted in a majority of seats going to the nationalist Sajudis movement [ see pp. 37299-300 ] .
25 The World Wildlife Fund , in 1988 renamed the Worldwide Fund for Nature , has been criticized , largely unjustly in my view , for not saving endangered species such as the African elephant , the panda and the black rhino .
26 As the international trade union organization which since the Second World War had maintained close ties with the communist countries , the WFTU had been severely shaken by the withdrawal of five east European federations in the wake of the collapse of communist rule in late 1989 and by the reorganization of the Soviet trade union movement as an independent body , renamed the General Confederation of USSR Trade Unions , in October [ see p. 37787 ] .
27 Renamed the Communist Party of Slovakia " Party of the Democratic Left in October 1990 , it had become simply the SDL by the end of the year .
28 With the support of his younger brother James he bought out the Hibbert interest in 1854 and renamed the firm Platt Brothers and Co .
29 There were similar events on Jan. 1-2 in Lithuania 's capital , Vilnius , where Soviet Interior Ministry troops seized the Historical Institute and the former Communist Party central committee building , which was claimed by both the pro-CPSU party and the independent party ( recently renamed the Democratic Labour Party ) .
30 A coalition government of the Communist Party ( later renamed the Democratic Progressive Party ) and the Christian Democratic Party , formed in July 1986 , was returned to power in a general election on May 29 , 1988 [ see p. 36231 ] .
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