Example sentences of "accountable for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In brief , every manager is accountable for work and leadership .
2 Integrated business units have been established , each accountable for manufacturing , sales , technical service , profitability and cash flow .
3 Production was a good in itself and therefore not to be held accountable for industry 's wastes or the ill-health of workers and their families .
4 Appraisals are being changed are being rewritten basically so that yourself and branch managers are much more accountable for training development
5 The balance had once more swung from centralisation to decentralisation , but the attempt to make doctors and nurses more accountable for resource decisions continued .
6 If he is accountable for production , he 'll get his production operation audited : raw material wastage , machinery down-time , absentee levels , quality standards and many other factors .
7 In contrast to the directive role retained by Pilkingtons ' headquarters throughout the change process , RX 's corporate headquarters deliberately adopted an enabling function which entailed the rapid devolu-tion of authority to the operational level , now directly accountable for business results .
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