Example sentences of "manifest in the " in BNC.

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1 These are related to vitality and sensitives can frequently see disease here before it manifests in the physical .
2 David Bohm proposed that consciousness is basically in the ‘ implicate order ’ as all matter is , and therefore it is not that consciousness is separate from matter but rather that consciousness manifests in the ‘ explicate order ’ as does all matter .
3 In John Ray 's The wisdom of God manifested in the works of creation ( 1691 ) , there was a sense of exultation in the wonders of nature .
4 Few would dispute the diversity manifest in the organization of social services delivery , both amongst area teams ( Challis and Ferlie , 1987 ) and at secondary level ( Challis and Ferlie , 1986 ) .
5 Are these categories of thought manifest in the languages of advocacy and judgment within public law ?
6 Even today there are those who have doubts about the great burst of prosperity and splendour in the first half of the fourth century manifest in the great villas .
7 It can not , therefore , be a Christian insight to urge that speaking in tongues is an indispensable mark of life in the Spirit of Christ ; whereas it is an undeniably Christian insight to insist that love and holiness , so manifest in the life of the incarnate One , should mark those who claim to have his Spirit .
8 From these extensive and varied surveys the detrimental effects of ionizing radiations are found to be somatic ( manifest in the exposed individuals themselves ) and genetic or hereditary ( affecting descendants ) .
9 This is the approach manifest in the Wednesbury case ; the concepts of purpose , relevancy and reasonableness provide the principal judicial tools through which option two is attained .
10 The early work on viscoelasticity was performed on silk , rubber , and glass , and it was concluded that these materials exhibited a ‘ delayed elasticity ’ manifest in the observation , that the imposition of a stress resulted in an instantaneous strain which continued to increase more slowly , with time .
11 This is the truth manifest in the Incarnation , and Dionysius says that at such a moment the mystic is like St Paul who said : " I live and yet not I , but Christ lives in me " .
12 They stated : ‘ When manifesting in the physical world it brings with it the forces of attraction and repulsion and moves in a curved path or spiral . ’
13 Miss Bruce 's distaste for innovation made itself manifest in the dreary proposals served up to the Conservative and Labour governments in the seventies — whenever a request for names for public duties arrived in her in-tray , the same roll-call of has-beens fell out of her out-tray .
14 Since there is an intelligent system at work in each person it follows that if discomfort or dysfunction is necessary in order to maintain harmony within the system as a whole then the disease will manifest in the least important parts possible thus preserving the higher functions of the person for as long as possible .
15 The political breakdown was manifested in the two world wars , in the Holocaust , in the severity of the slump , in the doctrines of Nazism and totalitarian communism , both of which were a defilement of human nature .
16 was increasingly viewed as providing insight into the fundamental truths of creation , in which nature as manifested in the unassailable reality of bones and organs was taken to be the only foundation of the moral order , a biology of incommensurability became the means by which such differences could be authoritatively represented .
17 But the aim now is not necessarily to liberate sexuality ( the sexual drive ) , but to eroticize the social while at the same time releasing it from the grip of sexuality especially as manifested in the ideology of sexual difference .
18 Marx 's and Engels 's rejection of idealism , however , is qualified in that they also reject the crude materialism which they saw manifested in the work of such writers as the German socialist Feuerbach .
19 At the same time the ambivalence of her own , and modern Mexico 's position is manifested in the figure of the artist .
20 The political role of the coin was manifested in the way that the widespread use of coinage enabled a regime or state to impose its authority in all of the many monetary transactions which take place in any society .
21 Liberalism and reform was gaining strength at that time , as manifested in the socially aware novels of Dickens and the activities of Dr Barnardo and his homes for waifs .
22 It is impossible to regard the vast buildings and their dependencies which constitute a chief terminal station of a great line of railway without feelings of inexpressible astonishment at the magnitude of the capital and the boldness of the enterprise which are manifested in the operations of which they are the stage .
23 A colossal amount of energy is involved in the process of the two massive plates sliding over one another and most of the energy is manifested in the form of heat .
24 This chapter focuses on the ways in which age discrimination is both a product of and manifested in the social security system .
25 In a post-war broadcast in 1946 , he referred to the development of eight-feet wide trams with resilient wheels which he hoped to introduce to Blackpool , and these were manifested in the 1952 Coronation trams .
26 And the form in which this proportional division of labour operates , in a state of society where the interconnection of social labour is manifested in the private exchange of the individual products of labour , is precisely exchange-value of these products .
27 Mircea Eliade , in Patterns in Comparative Religion , remarks on the endless variety of agricultural rites and beliefs involving recognition of a force manifested in the harvest .
28 Gradually she reentered the real world , manifested in the small noises of the night , the moan of the wind in the chimneys , the smoothness of the sheet in her clutching hands , the unnaturally loud ticking of her watch and , above all , in that oblong of pale light , the open casement and the drawn curtains which gave her a view of the faintly luminous star-studded sky .
29 Chemical bonds and chemical reactions depend on these electrical forces ; all chemical reactions are , in essence , reorganizations of electrical forces , and these continue to be vital at cellular , tissue , organ and total body levels , being manifested in the electrical charges detectable on cell membranes , all the way from simple cells to muscles and nerves .
30 At a social level , prisons are ghettos for one portion of our collective Shadow , as manifested in the world .
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