Example sentences of "low [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 For one thing , teaching and examination styles have changed dramatically lower down the school system .
2 Others lower down the administration share this concern but doubt whether Yugoslavia can hold together in its current form .
3 Lower down the scale comes the offence of possessing an offensive weapon without lawful authority or excuse , contrary to the Prevention of Crime Act 1953 .
4 There will not be much re-nationalisation , for example , and the top rate of tax will not be as high as it was under Mr Healey ( although it will start much lower down the scale ) .
5 Lower down the page he had scribbled a quotation from Shelley : ‘ Life stains the white radiance of Eternity ’ .
6 From the road , Leck Fell declines in a mile-long slope to Ease Gill and its main concentration of potholes are reached in a ten-minute walk ; others , much lower down the slope , form part of the Ease Gill cave system and are too far to be visited if Gragareth is also in the itinerary .
7 Lower down the hierarchy and , apparently , quite independently of his seniors , the young William Armstrong ( who was to head the Treasury in the 1960s and the Civil Service in the 1970s ) was , as Brook 's private secretary , trying to make sense of the proliferation of committees , some of which had been inherited from the Coalition while others had been created at a considerable rate by the new government .
8 If they systematically increase in value , a transformation lower down the ladder should be tried .
9 There will be at least three , and perhaps four , spaces to fill ; so there will also be an influx of new faces lower down the scale .
10 He would teach the senior pupils with the aid of an assistant mistress , leaving the little ones lower down the school to learn their early lessons from children older than themselves — this was the ‘ monitor ’ system , widely adopted and potentially very successful .
11 Lower down the chain it was plain and simple buck-passing .
12 ‘ It illustrates the gulf that is developing and the problems clubs lower down the scale have keeping themselves viable on a full-time basis .
13 Lower down the line , the DEC 3000 model 300 will deliver 85 SPECmarks and the entry level machine , the model 300L non-expandable system offers 55 SPECmarks — both models come with 64Mb RAM and 520Mb disk .
14 However , lower down the balance lurks a black hole : ‘ errors and omissions ’ reflect an unrecorded capital outflow of $1.7 billion .
15 Lower down the organisation , recruitment was no easier .
16 People lower down the hierarchy can only make claims if the deceased did not have relatives who rank above them ; and a distinction is made between full and half-blood relatives , the former having prior claims ( Cretney , 1984 , pp. 698–700 ) .
17 Lower down the totem pole is ProActive , the Roger Sippl start-up ( UX No 394 ) , whose offerings and style of market entry Clarify derides as ‘ dribbleware . ’
18 Yes , we have had other school groups but they , this is the thing , this , I mean , it could happen with you , as , as people move on and leave school er you need to encourage people lower down the school to get interested and then , then it 'll , it 'll carry on otherwise they tend to drop .
19 Though the great majority of students never became deeply involved in radical activity , those who did , together with pupils lower down the education ladder , made up over half the 7,000–8,000 political offenders of the 1860s and 1870s .
20 This process involves large amounts of time and constant discussion with those involved lower down the line who will actually execute the strategies on which the whole picture relies .
21 Lower down the post-war rectory replaced bombed buildings in Paradise .
22 In their turn , the stronger and financially sounder tenant farmers , or lairds , would extract money and labour from those a step lower down the scale .
23 In some cases this appears to have been due to privileged access to knowledge not yet available to those lower down the hierarchy , as in cases where plans were in preparation for the closure , merging or reorganisation of schools being proposed .
24 But why should n't staff put the same process into operation lower down the school ?
25 Generally speaking , black people hold jobs lower down the socio-economic scale , being under-represented in comparison with whites in non-manual occupations , and over-represented in the less-skilled manual occupations .
26 Young and Willmott ( 1973 ) found , however , that those lower down the occupational scale were more family-centred than the professional and managerial classes .
27 Discontent lower down the social scale was no less intense .
28 Historians lower down the hierarchy were expected to work within the guidelines advanced by their superiors .
29 Whether managers lower down the hierarchy pursue the profit goal depends in large part on organisational structure and the values imposed from above , though this is not to underestimate the problems of organisational design or the difficulties involved in ensuring compliance with those values .
30 Thus , a principal function of top management is to co-ordinate and monitor the efforts of those lower down the hierarchy .
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