Example sentences of "restrain [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 Richmann 's scowl deepened , but he restrained himself from snapping an answer back at the General .
2 It was with difficulty that Greg restrained himself from saying ‘ What ! ’ , but knowing that his colleague would assume that he was being told he was about to become an unmarried father , and spread it , he said in the same world-weary voice : ‘ That 's very interesting . ’
3 Jane restrained herself from inquiring what she had done with it , for she sensed a field telegraph situation , so forced herself to be polite .
4 She restrained herself from reacting , except with a smile , which he returned .
5 She restrained herself from pinching another soldier .
6 Mind you , I have an idea that this would be good to use as a weaving yarn , but I restrained myself from buying any — I have enough cones in the cupboard , thank you very much .
7 His gaze was fastened on his daughter 's last careful steps down the stairs , as if he could barely restrain himself from running forward to hold out a hand to her .
8 Noticing a badly dressed woman while driving in Knightsbridge , she ca n't restrain herself from rolling down the window and crying out ‘ Why ? ’ in sheer exasperation .
9 After this ( but only ‘ when she was in any company ’ ) she could not restrain herself from saying , ‘ It is full merry in Heaven ’ .
10 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
11 When Ariel saw how the incomers failed to meet indigo 's exacting standards of care , she could not restrain herself from offering her expertise ; she tended , restaked , pruned and watered the trampled shrubberies of Sycorax , teaching the English how to cultivate the precious dye .
12 She had n't eaten the spinach , and in doing so created a martyrdom ; now she must restrain herself from the agonizing satisfaction of telling Maman all the truth , thus getting Aunt Tossie into dreadful trouble .
13 I could not restrain myself from hastening to view one of those Druid circles , of which there are so many in the Isle of Lewis ; that given in the small vignette is the first one I reached .
14 Indeed , South Africans had to openly restrain themselves from cheering for Will Carling 's heroes .
15 And then , restraining himself from a farewell blast on the Dixie horn , he 'd set out for Liston Hall .
16 If I may speak as one who has heard all the centenary lectures and restraining myself from being invidious , I will merely say : George , it was an admirable centenary lecture , and the huge spinning top of words , despite its complexity , kept the patterns clear and sharp and arguable .
17 But he had to restrain himself from leaping up and switching the light off and peering out into the street from behind the curtains .
18 He bent double with the pain but managed to restrain himself from crying out .
19 Albert was the first to know the Mr Gregory had lost his seat but had to restrain himself from swinging from the Assembly Rooms chandeliers in celebration .
20 Speich barely restrained himself from grabbing it out of her hand .
21 How could such a one as Hatton restrain himself from making a splash ?
22 It was as much as she could do to restrain herself from rushing forward to grasp his hand in a gesture of sympathy and solidarity .
23 She had to restrain herself from dashing for it , almost in the fear that it would close again and that this time , it would be forever .
24 As his palm cupped their heaviness , almost possessively , squeezing , caressing , make her blood leap , Lisa was suddenly overcome by a longing so intense that she had to restrain herself from falling on her knees and begging him to make love to her right there on the beach .
25 She had to restrain herself from slamming the receiver down with shameful violence .
26 It also advocated that the local authorities should ‘ maintain their presence in higher education ’ , adding that it would only be acceptable for them to do so if they could all ‘ restrain themselves from excessive and unreasonable interference in the running of large , developed polytechnics with the skills and competence to look after themselves ’ .
27 Accordingly , while congratulating the Association on its endeavours , may I make a plea to the members of its Committee to restrain themselves from the political tactic of eyewash and puff and to conduct themselves , so far as the Law Society are concerned , in a straightforward , honest and co-operative manner ?
28 I had to restrain myself from running after her and asking who she was — heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire perhaps ?
29 I managed to restrain myself from snapping back , ‘ Piece of cake !
30 I used sometimes to have to make an effort to be cheerful , but I have never had to restrain myself from bursting into violence and anger …
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