Example sentences of "model [pn reflx] on " in BNC.

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1 From the moment he modelled himself on Mussolini , he resembled nothing so much as an actor touring the provinces in a play which someone else had made a success of in London .
2 Thomas Becket modelled himself on Anselm — in his exile , his inflexibility , his austerities .
3 he models himself on Dirty Den
4 Even Hermsprong ( 1796 ) , one of the first political novels , whose eponymous hero models himself on the noble savage , confines itself to great houses or to those that emulate them , while the savage himself , in true romance tradition , turns out to be an aristocrat , and the rightful heir to his wicked uncle 's estate .
5 And 47-year-old Peter , who models himself on rock legend Elvis Presley , reckons he has the perfect record to make him into an all-round star — Bhingi Bajee Boogy .
6 If the C of E models itself on Parliament , the Methodists model themselves on a school prize-giving .
7 These values and this separation of course react back on to design practice itself ; after all practice models itself on conceptions of what , theoretically , it is .
8 When I was foolish enough to laugh at a preposterous and provocative statement made by Mr Dinsdale — who had surely modelled himself on Dickens 's character Mr Bounderby — he gave me a withering look and asked sarcastically : ‘ Is this a reason to laugh ? ’
9 Sarge — his real name was Paul Sargeant — was an Australian who had modelled himself on John Belushi and disapproved of good language ( he once took me to task for using the word ‘ carouse ’ ) .
10 Surrounded by his manager , personal conditioner and other members of the Lewis entourage , the champion , who readily admits to having modelled himself on Muhammad Ali confessed to ready participation in the media circus .
11 The Synod meets at Westminster , just over the road from the Palace of Westminster , and although a relatively modern institution ( 1970 ) , it has modelled itself on its parliamentary cousins .
12 From observing Star Eye , he thought she 'd modelled herself on Cabochon : she even sat like him and had started scraping her hair back into a ponytail , even though it was n't really long enough yet .
13 Snow Queen : Winter-sports fan Queen Sirikit of Thailand is said to have modelled herself on our own Elizabeth II
14 ‘ I 've not modelled myself on Bruce .
15 Nobody 's modelled themselves on us , they 've gone more the Roses and the Mondays .
16 Plenty of singers , wisely or otherwise , have modelled themselves on the heroes and villains of great literature .
17 Christians modelled themselves on Christ .
18 As we grow up we model ourselves on our parents , identifying with them and imitating them .
19 Face to face , the son who had wanted to model himself on his father now outraged him , showing him little respect , openly arguing with him , Under Vincent 's voice , in his fixed , obstinate stare , he detected a lurking mockery and contempt for everything he stood for .
20 If the C of E models itself on Parliament , the Methodists model themselves on a school prize-giving .
21 The best we can do is raise our own children differently ( a project that will fail , ironically , to the extent that children model themselves on the unreconstructed adults they encounter ! )
22 I always try to model myself on her .
23 For men to model themselves on Ulysses rather than Hercules .
24 I model myself on Princess Di .
25 By the age of thirteen , Worrell 's ability was obvious and , still in short trousers , he was playing top-grade cricket in his school first team , modelling himself on Derek Sealy , who was one of his masters .
26 Dean was another rebel , no doubt modelling himself on his two idols .
27 There is nothing clear-cut or standardised about it ; but one may envisage ( and sometimes see quite clearly in real life ) the difference in effect between that of divorce when the child is still at the stage of total reliance on the mother , perhaps with fierce submerged conflict with the male parent , and that taking place when the boy is at the age of modelling himself on the father and establishing male identity through him .
28 That application can not simply model itself on the procedures of empirical research , however , since it has to operate within contexts which preclude it .
29 Coburn 's script stated that Susan came from the forty-ninth century : too precise a reference for a series modelling itself on mystery .
30 Children yearned to be like her and parents , even grandparents , were happy to see their young modelling themselves on a star seemingly unsullied by the darker side of rock and roll .
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